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My warrior cat BONUS stories!

This page of my blog shows all  my warrior cat BONUS stories! So these stories give other cats the spotlight for a bit, as you learn more about them.

                              Daisy's Story

Chapter 1

Daisy peered out from under the bed. No! She wasn't going to go to a new home! She wanted to stay here, with her mother. Not far from the bed, her new housefolk who had come to collect her, were now searching for her. Daisy edged further under the bed. "Daisy," called her mother's voice, "You can't hide forever." Daisy didn't dare answer, least her new housefolk find her. Her little body trembled. She was only two months old, too young to leave her mother! Then a face peered under the bed. Daisy froze. But she had been spotted. Hands reached under the bed, and soon she was pulled out. Daisy struggled, but the hands did not let go. Then it all happened so fast, that before Daisy knew it she was in darkness. "Goodbye Daisy. Be good to your housefolk and they will be good to you." came her mother's gentle voice. "Goodbye." said Daisy sadly wishing that none of this was happening. That she could stay here forever and never have to leave. Then whatever she was in- a box she supposed- began to shake. She struggled to keep her balance. This was it, she would never be back here again. She cried silently. Soon a vibrating rumble started up. Daisy curled up sadly.

Daisy blinked open her eyes. She must have fallen asleep. The vibrating rumble was still going. Then the rumble stopped. She heard movement around her, and then the box started to shake. She couldn't help falling to one side of the box. Here eyes had slowly adjusted to the darkness of the box- not that there was anything to see, anyway. Then the shaking stopped. A bright light blinded Daisy as the box was opened. Daisy blinked to adjust to the light before cautiously climbing out of the box. Everything was big and terrifying to her. And everything smelt so different to her home- well her old home, as this was her home now. Her new housefolk watched her. Then hands scooped her up, and she was put on someones lap. She was petted and fussed over, but she was too sad to enjoy it. Then the housefolk left and closed the door, leaving Daisy alone in the room. Daisy slowly crept around the room. Something big was in front of her. Daisy jumped up onto the big object- a sofa- and instantly noticed an open window. She jumped onto another object from the sofa, and then leapt to the windowsill. She looked out the window, and down to a flower garden below. She could escape! Daisy jumped out the window, and landed in a tangle of fur and tail, in the flower garden below. Ow! That hurt! But at least she could go back home to her mother…  Wait? Where was her home and her mother? She had completely lost sense of direction and didn't know where to go... She didn't want to be a stray, so she might as well stay here now. She glanced back up at the window. Well she certainly couldn't get back in through there. So Daisy headed around the house, searching for a way back in. She stopped at a large door, and gave a pitiful meow. The door was immediately opened, and she was let in. Her new housefolk fussed over her and scolded her. She was soon put back in the room, and this time the window was shut- not that she wasn't going to jump out the window again anyway. The door was closed leaving Daisy all alone again. She didn't like being alone. She wanted her mother...

Later that day, a girl -one of her housefolk- came in and gave her some food and water. Then after Daisy had eaten and drunk her fill, the girl brought out a small toy mouse. She slowly dragged it across the ground. Daisy crouched down, her eyes following the toy mouse. She slowly crept forward, and then leapt, giving a meow of delight as she caught the toy mouse. She batted it around with her paw, then bit into it. The girl made a funny sound- maybe she was laughing. Daisy continued attacking the mouse. As she attacked the mouse, Daisy thought that maybe life wouldn't be so bad...

                                Chapter 2

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months as Daisy grew. This was her home now. She still missed her mother, but she had begun to like her new housefolk, so she couldn't leave, or she would miss them too much. She was well fed and looked after. Life was good.

Daisy, now full grown was a pretty sight. Her tabby and white markings seemed attractive and it was not long before she was expecting kits.

"Daisy!" Daisy turned her head toward the voice. Her housefolk were calling her. Daisy strolled over. She wound around their legs purring. They petted her gently. Then one of them reached to pick her up. Daisy backed away, hissing, to tell them not to pick her up. Didn't they know she was expecting! Her housefolk looked at her and murmured something. Then they beckoned to her again, and petted her, but did not make any move to pick her up. Daisy purred again, and wound around their legs. Then she wandered off to the garden. Bees buzzed, flowers bloomed, and butterflies fluttered about. It was a lovely day… Daisy padded under a nice shady bush, and settled down for a nice sleep…

Daisy awoke later in the afternoon. The sun still shone down. Daisy pulled herself to her feet and stretched. Then slowly wandered out of the garden and across her backyard. "Hi Daisy. How's your day been?" came a voice from above. Daisy looked up to see Clover looking down at her. "Hello Clover. My day has been fine." purred Daisy, "Did you know I'm expecting?" "Wait, really?!" asked Clover in surprise. "You didn't notice?" asked Daisy. "Well, I just thought you were being fed well, that's all." "Ha ha. I am fed well though." said Daisy in amusement. Clover leaped off the fence and landed beside Daisy. "Who's your mate?" asked Clover, "Sorry, I don't mean to be nosy." "No it's fine. My mate is very handsome cat. He moved away a few months ago. I don't supposed you knew him?" "Was it a black cat?" "Yes." "Blackie?" "That's him." said Daisy purring as she remembered him, then she felt a twinge of sadness. "Do you miss him?" asked Clover. "Yes, I do." said Daisy,  "I really miss going for walks with him, and talking with him." Daisy could remember all the times they had gone for walks... She remembered when they would talk together... She wished he hadn't moved...  "Must be hard for you, having your mate no longer here" sympathized Clover, "Anyway, I'd better go. and congrats on expecting!" Then Clover leaped up the fence, and vanished over the other side.

Daisy was now heavy with kits, and due any day now. She glanced up towards the sky. Lately it had been so hot and sunny, but now as she looked up, she realized grey clouds were slowly starting to spread across the sky. Rain must be on it's way, thought Daisy. It was already starting to get colder. Daisy padded around to the front door, and meowed, waiting to be let in. But no one came to the door. They must be out, thought Daisy. She looked around for shelter, in case it was to rain before her housefolk got back. What about in their shed? Daisy padded around the side of the house. The old tin shed stood in a corner of the backyard, behind the house. Daisy padded over and halted in front of the shed. She inhaled the musty scents coming from inside it.  Wood was piled up in the shed, although the odd bit of wood lay on the ground. Daisy wandered in, and found a nice place to sleep behind a pile of wood. It was nice and dry, and if there was wind, the wood pile would stop it from reaching her.

                                        Chapter 3

Daisy was right, the rain did come… The rain poured down from the dark grey sky. Daisy shivered, hoping her housefolk would get here soon. Then she felt a twinge. The kits! The kits were coming!

Daisy purred as she slowly licked her four small kits. She curled around them to keep them warm. The smallest, a chocolate brown she-kit was named Rose. Another She-kit was name strawberry. She had reddish brown fur. The largest was a tom-kit named sand, after his sandy coloured tabby fur. And the other tom-kit was named Lightning. He was a brown tabby. The kits eyes were shut tight. Then the kits began to jostle for milk. They tumbled over each other, and gave little squeaks of protests, when pushed away from the milk. Daisy felt love fill her heart as she watched the four kits. Her kits… Skritch, Scratch! Daisy turned her head toward the sound. Four pairs of beady eyes looked straight at her. Rats! Daisy jumped up bristling. She must defend her kits! Four, five, six, seven, rats swarmed forward. Their sharp teeth and little claws could easily kill all of her kits, maybe even her too… Daisy's eyes widened in fear. More rats swarmed forward. How many were there? Daisy wrapped herself protectively around her kits. The rats leapt onto her, biting and scratching. Daisy hissed and tried to defend herself and her kits. But the rats didn't stop. Daisy gave a yowl. She bit one rat, and pushed another off her, but there were so many. She yowled again. Pain flooded Daisy, as the rats continued to attack. Then a cat streaked into the shed. Clover! "Help!" yowled Daisy, "Help me get the kits out!" Clover grabbed a kit -Lightning- and streaked out of the shed with it in her jaws. She ran back in for another. This time she grabbed Sand. Daisy still struggled while the rats continued to attack. Then Daisy struggled to her feet and grabbed Rose. Clover appeared back in the shed, and grabbed the last kit, and then they fled. Rain still poured from the sky, but not as heavy as it was. The rats did not like rain, so did not follow them out, so that was one good thing about the rain. Daisy checked each of the kits to make sure they were alright. Sand and Lightning squirmed a little, but Rose and Strawberry did not move. Both lay lifeless, with blood streaked on their fur. Somehow the rats had killed them. Daisy silently wailed. Why did this have to happen? Daisy wrapped herself around the surviving kits. Clover glanced at Rose and Strawberry. "Are they..." Clover began to talk, but broke off. Daisy gave a sad nod, then turned back to her other two kits. Clover moved next to Daisy, and silently began to lick Daisy's wounds, as she shared her grief with her…

Daisy had completely recovered from the rat attack. Her two remaining kits were in good health. Daisy still mourned the death of her two she-kits, Rose, and Strawberry. But she had learnt to move on and enjoy the two beautiful kits she had...

Daisy decided to go for a walk. She needed to stretch her legs. She had left Lightning and Sand, her two kits, in the care of her housefolk. Daisy bounded along the edge of her backyard, and leaped up onto the fence. She walked along the fence tops for some time, until she came to the edge of twolegplace. Wow, I didn't mean to come this far, thought Daisy. The sky was beginning to darken with the coming night. Daisy looked out over the moor at the edge of town. The moor stretched away to the forest. Daisy liked the peacefulness and wished she could stay longer, but she knew she should get back. A sudden yowl startled Daisy. More yowls and screeches followed. Daisy glanced around, trying to find the source of the noise.

                                     Chapter 4

Daisy strained her ears to see if she could hear anything else. But she heard only yowls and screeches. Yowls and screeches of anger... and fear... But where was the noise coming from? Daisy could not tell. Then the sound of pounding paws reached her ears. She glanced around sharply and spotted a pretty grey cat running with a little black, grey and white kit in her jaws. The grey cat ran into a thick clump of heather, to hide, with the kit still grasped in her jaws. Daisy watched intently, curious. And frightened too, of what might be happening. The fur on Daisy's neck rose, as she spotted a redish beast with a thick tail, emerge from some grass. It gave a low growl. Fox! Daisy, looked on terrified of what would happen. There was a rustle as the grey cat emerged from the thick clump of heather. The kit was not with her this time. The grey cats eyes widened, and her fur bristled. The fox came ever closer. The grey cat snarled and leapt at the fox. The fox growled in anger. Daisy closed her eyes, and when she opened them, the pretty grey cat lay dead in front of the fox, a gaping wound in her throat. Daisy looked on, sad that the cat had died, and angry that the fox had taken the cats life just like that. Daisy was about turn back when a thought struck her. The kit! The fox was leaving now, it turned away, the grey cat in it's jaws. In a few bounds, it was gone. Daisy waited a few moments longer to make sure it was safe, before she leapt off the fence, and took her first steps on the moor. She slowly approached the clump of heather, before pushing her way in. The little black, grey and white kit lay nestled in a nest of heather and grass. It's little tail twitched. Daisy bent down and picked up the little kit in her jaws. She would look after it, now that it's mother was dead. She had to... Daisy bounded out of the heather and leaped up onto the fence. It was becoming darker now. Daisy bounded along the fence.

Daisy reached her home. She leaped down into her backyard. Stars were slowly beginning to appear in the night sky. Daisy padded around to the door and meowed, waiting to be let in. She was soon let in. Her housefolk looked at her surprised at seeing the new kit in her mouth. Daisy walked past. Her kits were nestled in her big basket, where she had left them. Daisy jumped into the basket, and curled around her kits. The black, grey, and white kit was now her kit too. And Daisy would never tell her where she really came from, least she return.

"Twitchy." said Daisy slowly, "Because your tail was twitching when I first saw you." It was a nice name and would suit the little black, grey, and white kit. So from then on the black, grey, and white kit was called Twitchy. Twitchy curled up against Sand and Lightning in the basket. Daisy gave her fur a quick lick before bounding away and out through the open door. Birds chirped and the sun shone. Daisy walked over to the fence. She leaped up and perched there. "Clover!" she called from her perch on the fence. A rustle announced the arrival of Clover. The pretty grey and white cat padded over. She leapt up onto the fence beside Daisy. "Hello Daisy! Did you want to see me?" asked Clover. "Hello Clover, yes I did want to see you. I wanted to tell you about Twitchy my new kit-" "You have a new kit?! How?!" exclaimed Clover. "I went to the edge of town. There were all these yowls and screeches. Then a mother cat ran past with a kit in her jaws. They hid in a clump of heather-" "What were they hiding from?" interrupted Clover. "No idea," replied Daisy, "Anyway, a fox came along… the mother died bravely taking on the fox." "Oh, how sad…" said Clover, "Foxes are such vicious creatures…" Daisy nodded, "But, the fox didn't discover the kit. So once the fox was gone, I went and took the kit home. She's mine now." "So… she's called Twitchy, did you say?" "Yes." answered Daisy. "What a nice name." said Clover, "Will you ever tell her where she came from?" "No, otherwise she may one day return there. And then she will no longer be mine. I will be the only one she will ever know as her mother." "What about Rose and Strawberry?" asked Clover, "I mean you will have to tell her about them then, won't you?" "Why?" asked Daisy surprised. "Because if she's your kit, then they're meant to be her sisters right? Because you are supposed to be her birth mother, even though you're not." said Clover. "I supposed you're right. I will tell her when she is old enough to understand." said Daisy. "But for now I won't need to worry about that. Anyway, my kits will be hungry again soon, so I had better go." "Enjoy your kits then!" said Clover. "Goodbye!" said Daisy, as she leaped off the fence. She ran inside, where her kits awaited… Daisy purred and settled herself around them…

                                The End

                         Willowshade's Tale

                                         Chapter 1

Willowpaw- now Willowshade stood proudly before the leader, while the clan yowled her new warrior name. "Willowshade!" "Willowshade!" She was a warrior at last…

Willowshade padded after Berryshine, enjoying the newleaf sun that spilled through the leaves of the trees, and dappled the ground. "Where do you want to hunt?" asked Berryshine, her friend. "How about near the stream? There's bound to be prey there." suggested Willowshade. "You're right! Race you!" said Berryshine, before she broke into a run, plunging through the bushes. Willowshade gave a meow of delight and raced after her. She slowed down as she neared the stream. She didn't want to scare off all the prey! Berryshine was crouched in a clump of reeds. A water vole scuttled among some rocks, not far from where Berryshine was. Berryshine bunched her muscles, then leapt, landing squarely on the vole, killing it with a single bite. "Great catch!" Said Willowshine. Then she crouched down, suddenly noticing a sparrow pecking around the roots of an oak tree. Luckily she was downwind of the sparrow. Willowshade stalked forward. Keep low, don't let your tail touch the ground... Thought Willowshade, her mentor's words of advice running through her mind. Just a little bit further... She bunched her muscles. The sparrow was struggling to pull a worm out of the dirt. It nearly had it now, so she had better be quick before it flew away! Willowshade leaped at the sparrow. The sparrow fluttered frantically, but Willowshade was fast. She killed it quickly. "Wow, you were so fast!" said Berryshine, "Nice catch!" Willowshine glanced down at it. "Not compared with that squirrel you caught yesturday!" she said. Berryshine grinned, "That was definitely a mega catch!"

Willowshade and Berryshine returned to camp, loaded with prey. The deposited their catch on the fresh-kill pile. Willowshine looked proudly at the hare she had caught. Some cats looked at her hare, wishing they had been the one to catch it and bring it back to camp. Some of the apprentices and warriors had congratulated her on her catch. They all knew how hard a hare was to catch. Willowshade's heart swell with pride.

A moon passed, and all was peaceful in Stormclan... Night had set in and Willowshade had been chosen to guard camp. She settled herself at the edge of the clearing where the camp was. She glanced around with watchful eyes. She heard a rustle. Willowshade froze, fear worming beneath her pelt. Something padded forward. A cat! As it came out of the bushes, a pool of moonlight fell down on the cat. It was Clearwater. Willowshade shook out her pelt, pretending she had not been afraid. But she could tell he knew. How embarrassing! And in front of the clan deputy! Clearwater gave a nod to her before calmly walking past. Willowshade continued to watch camp. The moon rose higher and higher into the sky. Willowshade began to feel sleepy. She began to close her eyes, and quickly had to rouse herself before she fell asleep! Suddenly Willowshade heard a rustle. Just another cat. Thought Willowshade.


  1. Any suggestions for other warrior cat BONUS stories?

  2. PLEASE vote on my poll on what Willow ? name will be! Because my next BONUS warrior cat story will be about her! So PLEASE VOTE!!!! Thanks everyone!

  3. Have u chosen a name for Willow?

    1. It says on my sidebar that Willowshade won!

    2. What colour fur did you vote for her?

  4. There's a new voting thing for red, what?!

  5. Have 2 go, it's tea time, maybe 7:00-7:10?
    (That might not work)

  6. Anyway, where IS Shiloh and Tarah. I told them about commenting at 5!

    1. I've already gave u a suggestion and u didn't like it!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Bout the flood? Well, its a bit complicated writing about loss of memory.

    3. Sorry!
      my dad gets home then!
      can you give me a list of people that come on this blog?

    4. Maybe I will do your idea, Ripplestream. But I don't know yet.

    5. Um… Quite a few people go on my blog… Me, you, Tarah, Ezra, Renee, sometimes Ryan and Seth, Meg, Lauren, Kate, Aunty Gemma, umm… Abbi and Mia… Uh… some other people too, but I can't remember who.

  7. No it isn't!!!

  8. I won't be commenting tomorrow. Because I am going to be really busy!

  9. Who's read Daisy's Story chapter one?

    1. I'm about to!
      are u there?

    2. It's really good! But the chapters Are too short, (No offense) although it really makes u want to know what happens next!

    3. Your blog says that you're here bu t u won't answer!!!!!!

    4. I was writing on my blog! About Daisy's Story!

    5. Yeah, the chapters are short. But it means that if you want, then people can just read one chapter and stop and it won't take them long to read.

  10. Read all of chapter one and the part of chapter two yet?

  11. Renee!
    We just commented at the same time!

  12. Hello? You still there Renee?

    1. I've read it all, it's pretty cool!

    2. Guess what happens next!

    3. She has kits!!!!!
      Something happens and she has to leave her housefolk, flood, moving etc!

    4. She goes to the wild!

    5. She goes to the edge of twoelgplace but that is all. Nothing else. Except… Sorry I can't say or it will spoil the story!

  13. I have to go now, and i have cyc so i might not go back on tonight, can't wait to read the rest of your story!

  14. I'm going to write some more now!

  15. Replies
    1. Nope. do u Asha?

    2. wait, did possomtail turn on birdsong or is it the other way around?

    3. I think Birdsong turned on Possumtail. Or maybe Possumtail turned on Birdsong… I don't know, you will have to read it. Anyway! What has that got to do with my warrior cat BONUS stories?

    4. Or it might not say. They went in the den to discuss something (I think) and then yowls broke out and Twitchypaw found them fighting. (I think)

  16. Any guesses for what happens next??

  17. Well... Daisy DOES move house, but it's not in this story.

  18. we've just been watching funny cat videos, they r hilarious!

    1. for a bonus story you should do birdsong's revenge or something like that

    2. Abbi is writing about Birdsong.

  19. Replies
    1. No, I wasn't on. It says on my sidebar when I'm on. Have you read Daisy's Story?

  20. hannah can you think of another name for a clan. I'm making up a my own clan

    1. Can it be when I am with Moonclan? So are you leader? Does Sunclan disappear. Is Thistleclan there then? It could be… I will tell you another idea on my warrior cat clans page.

  21. I bet you can all guess who that black, grey and white kit is! And I wonder who that grey cat is... Anyone have an idea? I know who it is, but I won't say, or it will spoil one of my later warrior cat BONUS stories!

  22. wow!!!!!!!!!!!
    I just read it all!!
    Hannah you have a special gift!
    you are amazing!
    you have inspired me!

  23. Cool story Hannah!
    Though why does it say

    Daisy gave a little fur before bounding away and out through the open door.

    It doesn't make sense!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Probably a mistake. What chapter?

    2. Chapter 4 paragraph 3

    3. Oh I see it now. No idea what that is supposed to mean…

    4. That makes WAY more sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. sorry, I have not been on lately, busy.
    do you have something that tells you if someone comments?
    ps. I don't want to be Moonpaw anymore.

    1. Silverpaw is a cool name! what will your warrior name b?

  25. Silverstream is taken

    1. What about Silverleaf?

    2. Silverstorm sounds awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
      I like frostflower as well....

  26. Don't say i didn't try

    1. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


    3. obviously not

    4. You certainly didn't try with the names. Just kidding.

    5. (Angry face)

    6. I could think of better ones though :D

    7. Yeah right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    8. I don't need to. You already know. He he he he...

    9. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
