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Tuesday 30 June 2015

My warrior cat books!

OUT NOW: Into The Clan!! Twitchy: a normal cat living with housefolk, somehow finds herself alone in the wild…  A rouge finds her and takes care of her, but after hearing of Sunclan, Twitchy wants to go there and become a clan cat… But will she be accepted after having lived with housefolk?
Name: Twitchy/Twitchypaw/Twitchytail
Favourite food: Rabbit
Favourite things to do: Battle training, hunting with her friends, fighting in the thick of battle, and leading Moonclan.

Note: Sorry, but there were no photos of any cats, with Twitchytail's fur, so we have this instead.

                         INTO THE CLAN

                                              Chapter 1

A little white she-kit, with black and grey spots opened her eyes for the first time. Everything seemed strange to her. Two other kits stumbled around her, snuggling up against her and and bumping into her face. Daisy, their mother, came over and curled around them. "I can see! I can see you! I can see everything!" meowed the kit that had just opened her eyes. "Did you know your name is Twitchy?" "Why's my name Twitchy?" "Because your tail was twitching when I first had you." "It was??" "Yes." purred Daisy. "What's my brother's names?' " had two sisters as well..." " Where are my two little sisters? Are they exploring? Can I go exploring too?" "They're... I'll tell you another time..." "Anyway, what's my brothers names? I'm called Twitchy, so... are my brothers names Sleepy and Snugly?" "No, of course not!" said Daisy amused. "Then what are their names?" asked Twitchy getting impatient. "Your brother's names are Lightning and Sand." "What are my two sisters names? And anyway, where are my two sisters?" The question hung in the air like mist over water. Daisy wasn't sure what to say. Quietly she said "Rats killed them, Twitchy. Their names were Rose and Strawberry." Twitchy's eyes clouded over with grief, even though she had never met her sisters. "You mean... they're dead? Their names are nice...mines not." "How can you say that, your name is lovely." "How do you know?" "I wouldn't have chosen it if it wasn't a nice name." "No I guess could have chosen a prettier name, like my two sisters... dead sisters..." "Go back to sleep now." murmured Daisy as she licked Twitchy's ears...

Twitchy felt herself being bumped into again. She was sick of having her brothers bumping into her constantly. She could never get proper sleep. Twitchy kicked out her hind leg. Sand yelped as as he landed on Lightning. Lightning wailed as sand landed on his back. Daisy gently lifted Sand off Lightning and licked them both gingerly until they settled back down again. "You shouldn't be unkind to your brothers. Their eyes haven't opened yet so they can't see you." scolded Daisy. "Sorry, its just really annoying... I just want to be able to sleep properly..." "Go to sleep now, you look tired." "I am." Twitchy lay down in the basket as far away from her brothers as she could get, so she wouldn't get bumped into again! Sleep took over...

After having a big drink of milk, Twitchy wanted to explore. What are those big creatures? Are they called ugly-two-legged-creatures?" Just then Sand meowed "I can see. My eyes are finally open!" Daisy licked Sands ears. "What's my name?" asked Sand excitedly. "Your name is Sand" answered Daisy,"Go to sleep now..." Sand curled up beside Lightning. "Lets go! I want to see everything!" meowed Twitchy excitedly as she tumbled out of the basket. "What are those two-legged creatures with no fur? Look at what they're eating! It smells horrible!" meowed Twitchy. "You shouldn't talk of them like that. They look after us. They are our housefolk." "If they look after us, then how come they didn't stop the rat from killing Rose and Strawberry?" "Because…" Daisy closed her eyes, the horrible memory flashing through her head when Rose and Strawberry had died. "Because our housefolk weren't there…" Twitchy thought back to when her eyes were still closed. She didn't think there had ever been more than two other kits in the nest..

Name: Daisy.
Favourite food: Salmon.
Favourite things to do: Looking after her kits and
sleeping by the fire.

               Chapter 2 

Twitchy grew bigger as the days passed. She was soon eating meat and solid food. Twitchy loved to wander around the house, but she had never been outside. Lightning was now also running around with Sand and Twitchy. Twitchy loved to dart around the table and chair legs. She loved sleeping on a mat by the fire. Her favourite thing to do was attacking her housefolk as they walked past.

One day their housefolk started packing their stuff in boxes. There were big boxes all through the house. Twitchy raced around the boxes and occasionally hid in one. She wondered what was happening to her home. Sometimes she jumped up onto the table and saw everything from a higher view. Sand and Lightning only ever ventured away from the basket when it was food time. They were afraid of all the big boxes moving around. Daisy wandered inside and outside and stayed out of the way of their housefolk.

A few weeks later everything was packed in boxes. Their housefolk started putting the boxes onto the back of a monster. Their housefolk trapped Daisy, Sand, and Lightning in cages. Sand wailed and Lightning joined in. Daisy quieted them by saying that everything would be alright. A hairless pink paw tried to grab Twitchy. Twitchy darted away and hid in a box full of soft blankets. She curled up in a ball and wrapped her tail around her. The box shuddered and bumped around. Twitchy only just stopped herself from wailing as she bumped her nose into the side of the box. The box thumped as it hit into something.

Twenty minutes later, the box started vibrating. It shuddered and swayed from side to side. Twitchy could smell an acrid smell. She hated being in the dark box, not knowing where she was going and what was happening to her mum and two brothers. She must get out of the dark box and find them! She heard loud roaring growing louder and then growing quieter. She heard shrill noises and shouting. More roaring filled her ears. All of a sudden, she felt the box flying through the air. There was a big bang. She heard roaring, that sounded like it was coming towards her. The roaring got louder and louder until Twitchy couldn't hear herself think. Twitchy felt the box being flattened. She yelped as her paw got squashed. The roaring gradually got quieter. Her housefolk came over and started grabbing the blankets. Twitchy ducked out of the half flattened box and raced across the thunderpath, unseen. Her aching paw dragged on the ground. She collapsed at the side of the thunderpath.

Names: Sand and Lightning.
Favourite foods: Tuna and beef.
Favourite things to do: Sleeping in the sun and play-fighting. 

                                          Chapter 3

Everything seemed strange and scary to Twitchy. Monsters roared past, flashing in the sunlight. Tall cutty grass and weeds grew at the side of the thunderpath. Twitchy licked her sore paw, hoping it wasn't broken. She stood up shakily, wincing at the sharp pain in her sore paw.  Twitchy limped through a small patch of grass and found herself on the moor. The moor stretched out for so long that Twitchy felt dizzy just looking at it.  She padded forward. The moor wind ruffled her fluffy fur, chilling her bones. Her tummy rumbled. Twitchy was so hungry that she thought she wouldn't mind eating a mouse or a bird like a wild cat. Shivering a little, Twitchy tried to stalk a bird, but she forgot to keep her tail off the ground. The bird heard and immediately flew up into a nearby oak tree. Twitchy peered up through the branches looking longingly at what could have been a meal. The bird chirped angrily up in the oak tree. All of a sudden a mouse ran straight into her paws. Her instinct told her to bite into the mouse's neck. She grabbed the mouse in her jaws and bit in hard. It fell limp. Just then a brown tabby she-cat ran over, flattening the grass. "Hey, that's my prey! You've no right to be here, kittypet! Its wild cats only! Now run back to your silly twolegs." "I am a wild cat!" said  Twitchy. Twitchy dropped the mouse. "Take your mouse and leave me alone!" Twitchy fluffed out her fur trying to look twice her size. "I said get out of here, the wild is no place for a kittypet!" "Goodbye then." said Twitchy angrily. She limped away. "There is a fox around here you know." Twitchy kept walking."I really doubt you'll survive the night." "Stop trying to scare me." "Just telling you to beware." "Whatever, you're trying to scare me."muttered Twitchy.  She pushed through the long grass. Twitchy couldn't stop trembling. What if the brown tabby she-cat was telling the truth about the fox? What if the fox chased her? what if? What if? Twitchy pushed her thoughts of the fox to the back of her mind. Right now she needed to focus all her attention on hunting...

Twitchy had been travelling over the moor nearly all day. Her sore paw ached more than ever. She longed to be sleeping in her basket with her brothers. She wished her mum could be there to lick her fur clean. The sun was setting and the first stars were appearing in the pinky grey sky. Where would she be sleeping tonight? Twitchy spotted a gorse bush and decided that it would be the best sleeping spot because it would keep out most of the wind.  Twitchy limped over to the gorse bush and peered under it. Three kits about the same size as Twitchy were in a nest with their mother curled around them. "Hey, who's that?" asked one of the kits; a ginger tom with white paws. "My names Twitchy and I got stuck in a box and I hurt my paw and now I'm lost..." " "You can stay with us. You look exhausted." said Snowflake, the mother-cat. "I am tired. I could sleep for ages. I'm hungry too..." "Here, eat this." said Snowflake as she pushed the remains of a rabbit toward Twitchy. "Thanks." said Twitchy staring at the fur and bones and bit of meat. What was she supposed to do with that? "What's wrong?" asked Snowflake. "Well, its just...I don't normally eat this sort of food."confessed Twitchy. "I live with housefolk and I..." "Really?! Are you a kittypet?! What do twolegs do to you? Do they hold you and..."  "They don't do anything to me, apart from looking after me." interrupted Twitchy. The ginger tom-kit with white paws that had just spoken looked surprised. "But I thought..." "Never mind." said Snowflake. "Come on Twitchy. Rabbit doesn't taste that bad." encouraged a sandy brown she-kit. "All wild cats love it. Although I guess you're not a ..." "I am a wild cat!" spat Twitchy "I'll eat it and prove that now I am completely wild." Twitchy took a bite of the rabbit. After a few bites she realized just what she had been missing out on. She gulped down the rest.   "Come and sleep beside me." invited the sandy brown she-kit. "What are your names?" asked Twitchy. "Well, I'm Creamy." meowed the ginger tom-kit with white paws. "I'm Honey." meowed the sandy brown she-kit. "My name's Buzz." meowed a brown tabby tom-kit. "And I'm Snowflake." meowed the white mother-cat. "And you already know my name." said Twitchy. Twitchy came over and snuggled up beside Honey. Twitchy drifted into sleep...

Name: Snowflake.
Favourite foods: Fresh rabbit and sparrow.
Favourite things to do: Looking after her kits, going hunting and racing over the moor with the wind in her fur.


                                                            Chapter 4 

Twitchy awoke in the morning. She was very hungry! She stretched and yawned. "I'm going to explore." announced Twitchy. "Isn't your paw too sore to go exploring?"asked Snowflake. "I'll be fine." replied Twitchy. "Watch out for the fox that's been around here lately, and don't get into an argument with Flash. She's a brown tabby cat. She thinks she owns the whole moor. And don't cross into clan territory." "I think I've already met Flash. Whats 'clan territory'? I've never heard of it before." "I might as well show you kits where clan territory is so you don''t accidentally cross into it." meowed Snowflake. " Clan territory is where a clan lives. Shall I..." "Whats a Clan?" asked Twitchy interrupting. "A Clan has a leader, a deputy, warriors, apprentices, Queens (cats expecting kits/ or already have kits), Elders and Medicine cats. They patrol their borders and attack anyone who dares go into their territory." "Well, they would be too scared to attack me!" meowed Twitchy excitedly.  "What's a medicine cat?" asked Honey. "They look after all the sick and injured cats in their clan." answered Snowflake. "Do Warriors fight?" asked Creamy " They go into battle and know a lot of fighting techniques." answered Snowflake. "One day I'm going to live in a clan!" meowed Twitchy excitedly. "Not right now though. You need to grow up first." said Snowflake. "What's a deputy?" asked Buzz. "Like a second leader, I guess." meowed Snowflake. "Is an apprentice a cat learning how to be a warrior?" asked Twitchy. "Or learning how to be a Medicine cat." answered Snowflake. "And an Elder is an old cat, right?" "Yes." said Snowflake. "I want to live in a clan!" said Twitchy excitedly. "Me too!" said the other kits. Shall I go hunting now? I expect you kits are starving." said Snowflake, changing the subject. She hoped her kits and Twitchy wouldn't go and become part of a Clan when they were older, and the more they talked about it, the more they would want to go. Snowflake sighed. She wanted her kits and Twitchy to stay kits forever. She knew that as soon as her kits and Twitchy grew up, they would want to leave and see the world for themselves. She wanted to be with her kits and Twitchy until she died. Snowflake had grown quite fond of Twitchy already. Stay in the nest while I'm gone." said Snowflake. "Why? It's so hot in there and there's nothing to do." complained Buzz. "Well I want you to be safe.There is a fox around here, you know." meowed Snowflake. Creamy rolled his eyes. The kits unhappily ducked into the nest under the gorse bush. "It's so hot in here." complained Honey. "I know. I'm roasting." complained Creamy. "When do you think Snowflake will show us the borders of 'clan territory'?" asked Twitchy. "Probably at sunhigh." answered Creamy."Whats Sunhigh?" asked Twitchy. "Kittypets sure are dumb." whispered Creamy to Buzz loud enough for Twitchy to hear. "Hey!" meowed Twitchy angrily. "I'm just still learning the ways of a wild cat." "Can't you guess what 'sunhigh' means?" asked Honey. "When the sun's high in the middle of the sky?" guessed Twitchy. "You guessed right. Pretty good for a..." Twitchy leaped at Creamy, claws sheathed and batted him. "Ow!" he meowed. "You pushed me into a prickle. What did you do that for?" "Because you were going to say 'kittypet'." said Twitchy. "How do you know? I might have said wild cat." "Creamy. It's pretty obvious what you were going to say." meowed Honey. "Why don't we have a play fight?" said Buzz, trying to break up the argument. " Yes, lets!" said Twitchy. "There's not that much space you know." said Honey. "Enough for a play-fight." said Creamy. "Yeah, I guess." said Honey. Buzz pushed Creamy over and Twitchy jumped on top of Honey, batting her head with claws sheathed. Honey rolled over and jumped up. Twitchy lunged at Creamy and knocked him off his paws. Buzz grabbed Honey's legs and flipped her over onto her tummy. Hey get off!" meowed Creamy. Creamy bucked and Twitchy fell off. Twitchy batted Creamy away...

Name: Creamy
Favourite foods: fresh mouse and lapwing.
Favourite thing to do: Climb rock piles and go exploring.

                                                           Chapter 5

Twitchy took another mouthful of rabbit. It tasted so good compared to what she used to eat. "This is my favourite food." announced Twitchy. "You don't say 'food'. You say 'fresh kill'." meowed  Creamy."Fine. This is my favourite 'fresh kill'."meowed Twitchy rolling her eyes.  Just because Creamy was born in the wild, it didn't mean he had to keep acting like an older cat. "Well Creamy." meowed Twitchy "I guess you don't ever need to learn anything because you already know everything, you are so like an elder. Respecting no one and correcting everyone's little mistakes." meowed Twitchy sarcastically. "I am not an elder!" exploded Creamy. "Yeah, like stop acting like  one then!" retorted Twitchy. "Kits! We don't speak of elders like that! do we? Just because I told you about grumpy old Turtle, doesn't mean you talk like that!" said Snowflake, scolding the kits. Twitchy looked down at her paws and shuffled them in the dirt. "Lets go play after we've finished eating!" suggested Honey. "Yes lets!" said Twitchy, brightening up. "We can climb the rock pile! I'm really good at that!" boasted Creamy. "No, lets play in the flax bush! I'm really good at hiding. No on can ever find me, so everyone eventually gives up!" boasted Honey. "Lets have races over the moor! I'm the fastest! Everyone's always way behind!" boasted Buzz."What are you good at?" asked Buzz. All eyes were on Twitchy. "I guess I'm the first to kill a mouse." said Twitchy. "Really?!!" meowed Honey. "What?! A kittypet catching a mouse and killing it?! No way am I believing that!" said Creamy, thinking Twitchy was just making it up to impress the others. "No really, I did. It ran straight into my paws. That's how I met Flash. She said it was her prey, so I had to give it to her. But, at least I got the the pleasure of killing it like a real wild cat!" said Twitchy. "I wish I could have killed that mouse. I want to be a good hunter when I'm older." said Honey. "And I'm sure you will." said Snowflake. "Go and play. I'll take you to see the borders of Sunclan territory at Sunhigh." "Told you it'd be sunhigh." snickered Creamy. "Creamy!" said Snowflake,"Don't talk like that!" "Sorry Twitchy." mumbled Creamy. "What's Sunclan?" asked Twitchy. "It's a clan. I'm glad there's only one clan here. There used to be three clans." said Snowflake, "Oh and Twitchy, you need to take it easy today. Your paw is still healing, you know." "Alright." mumbled Twitchy unhappily. "Hey Twitchy, I bet I'll beat Buzz in a running race today." boasted Creamy, interrupting. "Go for it then, and please stop boasting!" said Twitchy, playfully flicking Creamy's ear with her tail. Creamy grinned and then raced off to join Buzz and Honey. Twitchy found a comfortable patch of grass to lie on while she watched the other kits playing.  She couldn't wait till her paw got better, because then she could play too!!

Later that day at sunhigh, Snowflake led the kits across the moor to the borders of Sunclan.  "Now, remember that no one is allowed to cross into Sunclan territory. Is that understood?" "Yes mum." said Honey, Buzz and Creamy. Twitchy was deep in thought, and heard nothing of what Snowflake had said. "Come along kits." said Snowflake ushering them along. They crossed the calm, usually windy moor. It was a very hot day. "A storm is coming." meowed Snowflake. "How do you know?" asked Twitchy curiously. "Because after a really calm day, there's normally a big storm." replied Snowflake. "I didn't know that." meowed Twitchy. "Storms are so scary." whispered Honey as she pressed closer to Snowflake. "Not even the biggest storm in the world could scare me." boasted Creamy. "Creamy! Of course a really big storm would scare you." said Snowflake. They came to a babbling creek. "That flat rock would be a perfect place to sun-bathe today. Look at the sun shining down on it." said Twitchy.  "Only kittypets sun-bathe." said Creamy. "Actually, before I had you kits..." said Snowflake looking at her kits,"....I did sun-bathe right here on that flat rock that Twitchy pointed out." Creamy was silent.  "Do we have to cross this creek?" asked Buzz. "Yes. We cross over there." said Snowflake angling her ears at some stepping stones. Twitchy padded over and delicately put her first paw on the stone. "Hurry-up." muttered Creamy. "I'm going as fast as I can. My paw is still sore, remember." retorted Twitchy. She pulled herself onto the stepping stone. Twitchy bunched her muscles, ready to leap to the next stepping stone, which was very far away. I can do this, I can do this, thought Twitchy. She sprang forward and landed on the stepping stone, scraping her sore paw as she did so. Wild cats didn't wail when they got a little scrape, so Twitchy decided to keep her mouth shut. It wasn't nearly as far as she had thought it was. From where she was, all she had to do was jump to the bank which wasn't very far away.  She pushed off with her hind-legs and landed on the dry bank. That was quite easy, thought Twitchy. Soon the others had crossed the creek as well. "Where do we go now?" asked Buzz. "Follow me." instructed Snowflake leading the way through a small copse of trees...

Name: Honey
Favourite food: Fresh shrew
Favourite things to do: Playing hide and seek in a flax bush and going hunting with her mum.

                                                               Chapter 6

"What's this smell?" asked Twitchy, sniffing. "It's Sunclan." answered Snowflake. "They smell strange." said Twitchy. "All clans smell strange." meowed Snowflake." "So where are we not allowed to go?" asked Creamy. "Well, you see that fern bush..." Snowflake trailed off as she saw the leader of Sunclan and her deputy walk over. "Stay away from Sunclan territory!" snarled the leader, Possumtail. "Don't even think of putting one paw in Sunclan territory!" snarled the deputy, Birdsong. "I was just showing the kits where not to go or they might end up over there." said Snowflake, the fur on her neck rising in anger. "I can smell a kittypet." said Possumtail sniffing the air. "Well, Twitchy was living with twolegs..." "What's a kittypet doing in the wild?" asked Possumtail. "I thought her fur was a bit fluffy to be a wild cat." snickered Birdsong. "I said was, not is. She is a wild cat now. Her twolegs left her, and it is my duty not to leave kits to die on the moor." retorted Snowflake, angrily."Once a kittypet, always a kittypet." said Possumtail. "Can I attack now?"asked Birdsong, flashing her claws. "If they don't leave you can." said Possumtail, glaring at Twitchy and the others. "Come on kits." said Snowflake. Twitchy pretended to follow Snowflake, and then hid behind a bush when no one was looking. The flowers on the bush were thickly scented, almost making Twitchy sneeze. At least the bush covered her scent. Twitchy strained forward trying to hear what Birdsong and Possumtail were saying. "That kittypet will be back with her twolegs before Snowflake realizes." "I know."said Birdsong. "Did you notice she's limping?" asked Possumtail. "Her paw will get infected if she doesn't rest in a nest for a few days." "She probably has no idea what to do, to make it better." sneered Birdsong. "Sometimes I believe kittypets have no brains at all." "They sure act like they have no brains or instinct." said Possumtail. "Oh they have instinct all right, their instinct is to lie down in the sun all day!" said Birdsong, laughing at her own joke. "It is not!" screeched Twitchy as she leaped out of the bush, her fur fluffed up and her claws unsheathed. Birdsong leaped forward. "Get off Sunclan territory!!" snarled Birdsong, flashing out her claws and baring her teeth. "Now!" yowled Possumtail, narrowing her eyes. Twitchy backed away and then turned tail and fled with her sore paw dragging behind her. Before she knew it, she was lost. Everything on the moor was alike. Bushes, long grass and rabbit burrows. It was all so confusing. The clouds in the sky were darkening, and a slight drizzle of rain fell from the sky. Soon it was pouring down. Twitchy found shelter under a small ledge of rock. She curled up, shivering. Her teeth shattered uncontrollably. Trembling with fear from her narrow escape, Twitchy tried to sleep. The rocky ground was uncomfortable. She hoped Snowflake would find her soon. But what if Snowflake never found her. What if the fox found her? what if it...what if it ate her? Twitchy tossed and turned until she finally got to sleep...

Twitchy woke up in the morning, wondering where she was, and then she remembered. She was under a ledge of rock that she had found the day before. Twitchy got up and stretched her stiff muscles. She looked out at the moor and gasped. Everything was white! A chilly wind made her shiver. The world looked so different! There was no grass to be seen, only bushes covered in white stuff. Twitchy put her paw on the white stuff and then quickly pulled it back. The white stuff was so cold! The sky was a light grey colour. Little sprinkles of white stuff fell from the sky. Twitchy leaped up and caught one. She looked around and saw three kits in the distance. Maybe she would find another mother-cat like Snowflake to look after her. After all she had to admit that she would never survive in the wild on her own. Twitchy raced across the hard cold ground as fast as she could. Sometimes her paws would sink into the cold, white stuff. The cold white stuff was getting stuck in her fluffy fur, slowing her down and making her shiver.

Twitchy reached the kits and realized that it was Creamy, Honey and Buzz. 'Twitchy! Mum's out looking for you! Where have you been?!" asked Honey. "I got lost." said Twitchy. "Why did you not follow us?" asked Creamy. "I spied on the clan cats! I even leaped out at them and threatened them with my claws." said Twitchy excitedly. "Did they run away terrified?" asked Buzz. "Oh they just ran away with me chasing them. What do you think?! They tried to attack me so I ran away as fast as I could." said Twitchy. "Coward." muttered Creamy. "Alright Creamy, I dare you to go and attack the clan cats."said Twitchy. "No way. It's a waste of my time." said Creamy. "You're scared!" said Twitchy. "Creamy, I don't think Twitchy is a coward. She threatened them. You would be too scared to even do that!" said Honey. "Yeah!" said Buzz. "I would not be..." Just then Snowflake raced over, breathless. "You're back! I've been so worried about you! Don't ever leave me like that again." scolded Snowflake gently. Twitchy rubbed against Snowflake. "I'll try not to get lost like that again." promised Twitchy.

Name of place: The Moor.
What it's like: A massive stretch of long grass, weeds and thistles, a few bushes dotted around, small rock piles, heaps of rabbits and normally a very windy place.

                                                                    Chapter 7

Late in the night, Twitchy woke up to hear a snuffly sound. A small pup wandered into the nest under the gorse bush. Twitchy leaped up and yowled as loud as she could! The pup yapped excitedly and tried to bite Twitchy. Twitchy dodged and aimed a blow at the pup's head. The pup shook his head and then tried to bite Twitchy again. By then, all the others had woken up. Honey hissed defiantly at the pup, while Creamy and Buzz leaped at it, scoring their claws down the pup's side. Snowflake fluffed out her fur and swiped the pup on the nose. The pup howled and ran off into the night with his tail between his legs. "Thank you for waking us up Twitchy." said Snowflake. "Can you show us that move you did on the pup, Twitchy!" asked Buzz, Creamy and Honey. "She can in the morning. Right now you kits need to get some sleep. I'll stay up and make sure that pup doesn't come back." meowed Snowflake in a motherly tone. Honey lay down, yawning. Creamy and Buzz curled up beside each other. Twitchy dropped down into the nest, exhausted. She pressed close to Honey and fell asleep. A mist swirled around Twitchy. The mist cleared and Twitchy was able to see. She was in a grassy clearing in the middle of a beautiful forest. Sunlight shone down dappling the soft forest floor. Apart from the slight rustling of leaves, everything was quiet. It was a peaceful place. A milky grey almost
see-through she-cat walked towards Twitchy. "Am I dreaming?" asked Twitchy. "Well, yes. I have called you here. To the others, you are still fast asleep." "So I'm not actually sleeping though." "You're actually both." "I'm Twitchy. What's your name?" "My name is Dawnheart. I'm from Dreamclan." "Why am I here?" "I have an important message for you." "What's the message?" asked Twitchy. "You will keep the warrior clans alive. Without you the remaining warrior clan will die out and there will be no warriors left." Dawnheart started to fade away. "Wait..." Twitchy was plunged into darkness and found herself falling...falling... Twitchy woke up and found herself back in the nest with Snowflake, Creamy, Buzz, and Honey. She blinked. The sky was pinky-grey and the sun was coming up. Twitchy quietly slipped out of the nest, careful not to disturb anyone.  She was going hunting! Twitchy crept over the cold white stuff which Creamy had said was called 'snow.' Twitchy looked across the moor and spotted a trail of paw-prints. She sniffed and thought it smelt like it was from a rabbit, but it was hard to tell. They looked like rabbit paw-prints anyway. She pressed low to the ground and followed the trail of paw-prints through the snow. The scent was starting to smell stronger and smelt fresher. Twitchy ducked behind a snow-covered bush and spotted a small rabbit. It hopped closer to the bush and then started digging until it found some frosty grass. The rabbit looked around. It didn't seem to scent Twitchy. It dropped its head to eat. Twitchy pushed off with all her might and landed on the rabbit. The rabbit froze in shock, so it was an easy kill. One bite to the neck and the rabbit lay at her paws. The others would be pleased! Twitchy grasped the rabbit in her jaws and started to drag it back towards the nest under the gorse bush.

Twitchy finally reached the nest under the gorse bush. Panting, she dropped her fresh-kill on the ground. Her sore paw was starting to ache again. Buzz popped his head out. "Did you catch that?!" he asked, his eyes opening wide with surprise. "Twitchy! I thought you said you would never go off by yourself again!" scolded Snowflake. "I only said I wouldn't get lost again. And I didn't get lost. Look at what I caught!" said Twitchy, angry at being treated like she was helpless. "Wow!" meowed Honey excitedly, "Look what Twitchy caught." "How did you catch it?!" asked Creamy amazed.  "I crept up on it and then I leaped its back and bit into its neck and..." "You have to teach me!" meowed Honey excitedly. "You shouldn't be running around hunting with such a sore paw." scolded Snowflake.  Twitchy dropped her head and took a bite of rabbit, avoiding Snowflake's eye. The other kits quickly started eating too. Snowflake took a few bites and soon it was all gone. "I'm still hungry!" complained Creamy. "So am I!" declared Buzz. "I know!" squeaked Honey, "Lets go hunting!" "Yes!" said Buzz. "Why not?! Twitchy went hunting and she's a kittypet. Wild cats do go hunting too, don't they?  Come on. You have to say yes!" said Creamy. "Well...if you were in a clan, you would be learning how to hunt now..." "Yes!" said Buzz. "Wait, you really mean yes?" asked Honey. "'I do, Honey, I really do." answered Snowflake, seeing the kits eyes light up. 'I can't believe we're really, actually going hunting!!" meowed Creamy, excitement bubbling up inside him. The kits jostled and mrrowed happily, trying to be the first to get out. Creamy managed to shove his way out and the others tumbled out behind him! The snow was cold and frosty, and had started to melt. Small puddles formed where the snow had melted. "I'll be the best hunter on the moor!" boasted Creamy, forgetting to keep his voice down. "Not anymore! You just scared away all the prey!" said Honey, pouncing on Creamy and pushing him over like he was a piece of prey. Twitchy mrrowed happily and joined in the play fight. She pushed Creamy onto his back and softly batted him over the ears with claws sheathed. Creamy leaped up and pushed Twitchy into a clump of snowy heather. Twitchy shivered, as snow fell onto her fluffy fur. Twitchy ducked down waiting for the right moment to jump out and give Creamy a fright. She was thirsty, so she hoped Creamy wouldn't hear her panting."Hey where's-" but Creamy didn't get to finish, for right at that moment, something fluffy landed on his back. Twitchy held on tightly as Creamy leaped around and tried to shake her off. Finally Creamy managed to buck Twitchy off. Twitchy fell to the ground and rolled into a big wet muddy puddle. She leaped up, wailing. Water dripped off her drenched muddy fur. Twitchy shook herself, furious. At least her thirst had been quenched. Although not with drinking water. Twitchy tried to get rid of the horrible taste in her mouth. Creamy and Buzz stared at her and started falling over laughing, until their sides ached. Honey couldn't help joining in with the other two kits. Snowflake tried to hide her amusement. Twitchy's fur stuck out at odd angles with water and mud dripping off her. "Honestly Twitchy, if any other cat saw you, they would think you are a Turkish Van cat." said Snowflake. 'Whats a Turkish Van cat?" asked Twitchy as she tried to lick her fur dry. "They like swimming." said Buzz. "Here let me lick your fur." said Snowflake in a motherly tone. Snowflake soon had cleaned up Twitchy's fur. "Are we going now?" asked Creamy, impatiently. "Yes, we're going now. Not any sooner." answered Snowflake, sighing. Those four kits were such a handful. She led the way across the moor...

Name: Dawnheart
Favourite food: Plump squirrel
Favourite thing to do: Guiding Twitchy in dreams, and exploring in Dreamclan with her friends, fallingice and shatteredcloud, and her mate, Dragonfly.

                                           Chapter 8

 Later that morning, Twitchy, Creamy, Buzz, Honey and Snowflake came back with only a scrawny rabbit. The prey must be hiding from the cold. There were now only small clumps of snow left as the sun was shining a little, and melting the snow. 'Hey! Lets go climb the rock pile! It shouldn't be too slippery!" said Creamy. 'Yes lets!" said Honey, excitedly. 'I'll race you there!" meowed Buzz. He bounded away across the grass. Creamy chased after him with Honey only a few tail-lengths behind. Twitchy half limped, half ran after them. The ground was wet and slightly snowy. She put on an extra burst of speed as she neared the rock pile. The others were already climbing up. Twitchy hauled herself up onto the first rock, panting from the effort. The rocks were completely dry and no longer frosty as they would have been in the morning. Snowflake came over."Twitchy, your paw is too sore to go climbing rocks. You'll end up scraping it." said Snowflake. She leaned forward and picked up Twitchy's scruff in her teeth. "Hey! Put me down!" said Twitchy wriggling. Snowflake set Twitchy down on the ground. "You can sit here and watch the others." said Snowflake, firmly, but kindly. Twitchy glanced up and saw Buzz reach the top of the rock pile. Honey was scrambling up a rock not far from the top. Just then Creamy hauled himself up to the top of the rock pile. He knocked into Buzz, who, unbalanced, stumbled and fell. Twitchy looked away, not wanting to see. "Buzz!" yowled Snowflake as she saw her son fall. There was a sickening thud as Buzz hit the ground. Twitchy looked behind her and wished she hadn't. A grief-stricken wail rose in Snowflake's throat and echoed across the moor. "My son is dead." wailed Snowflake. Shock pulsed through Twitchy's body. Dead? Buzz? He couldn't be dead?! Twitchy miserably slunk away and then she remembered something. Creamy had bumped into Buzz. Creamy killed Buzz! Twitchy's grief turned to anger and rage. She ducked into the nest under the gorse bush and curled up. Her dreams were haunted of cats dying.

She awoke to feel Honey nudging her. "Twitchy? Are you awake?" asked Honey. "Yes." Twitchy could feel the sadness in the air. "We're burying Buzz and I thought you would want to come too." Twitchy dragged her paws and her tail drooped as Honey led the way to where Snowflake was lowering Buzz's body into a hole. Twitchy looked away. Buzz was covered in scratches and deep wounds. "Buzz was a good friend." murmured Twitchy. "He was the best brother." said Honey. Twitchy thought Creamy would say that he was the best brother too, but Creamy was too caught up in his own sadness. "I miss you.' wailed Creamy, "I never meant to knock you off the rock pile." Twitchy stiffened. Creamy had purposely done it, hadn't he? "I'll miss you for ever." murmured Snowflake, her voice barely a whisper. Snowflake covered Buzz with dirt, sticks and stones. Honey found a bunch of blossoms to sit on the grave and Creamy found a big stick to use as the marker on the grave. Snowflake padded away with Honey and Creamy on either side of her. Twitchy decided that she could never live with Creamy again. She was going to leave. Twitchy slunk away through the long grass.

Twitchy nosed her way under the big roots of an ancient oak tree. Stars began to glisten in the dark night sky. Strong winds howled around trees and across the moor. Twitchy curled up closer to the tree and tried to keep warm. Eventually she fell asleep. Mist swirled around her and then it cleared. She was in Dreamclan! Twitchy walked into a beautiful forest and saw cats training. Just then, Dawnheart strode out from behind a bush of thickly scented flowers. "Hello Twitchy." said Dawnheart. "Buzz died and I've run away and..." "I know Twitchy. You must go to Sunclan." "You mean the will just accept me into their clan?"  asked Twitchy. "You must tell them that I have sent you." "I guess they might listen." said Twitchy, doubtfully. 'Shall I show you a really good way of catching birds in a forest?" asked Dawnheart. "Yes!" said Twitchy, forgetting all her sorrow. "Well..."

Twitchy woke up, under the roots of an ancient oak tree. She stretched her aching limbs. Dawnheart had said to go to Sunclan, so that was where Twitchy was going to go. Twitchy's paw was starting to feel better now, and Twitchy hoped it would stay like that. A mouse was nibbling on a piece of grain not far from where Twitchy had been sleeping. Twitchy slunk towards and then leaped onto it and made her kill. Its juicy taste flooded her mouth as she bit in. Twitchy finished the mouse and then headed towards the Sunclan border. Twitchy, strained to hear something, but she heard nothing. Maybe the whole moor was mourning Buzz's death. Twitchy slipped between the long, damp grass.

Twitchy reached the Sunclan border. She hesitated, as she remembered what had happened last time she had been there. Am I a kittypet or a wild cat? thought Twitchy. Dawnheart had told her to go to Sunclan, so it was mousebrained not to go to Sunclan. Twitchy pushed her thoughts aside and crossed into Sunclan territory...

Name of place:Sunclan territory.
What it's like: Prey rich forest with heaps of grassy clearings and one big stretch of grass on the northeast side of the territory.

                                             Chapter 9

Twitchy peered out from under a bush. Possumtail and Birdsong were battle training only a few tail-lengths from where Twitchy was standing. They hadn't spotted her yet. Possumtail leapt at Birdsong who dodged and attacked Possumtail as she landed. Possumtail whirled around and pushed Birdsong over. Possumtail leapt on top of Birdsong and held her down. "I guess you would consider that winning." said Birdsong sneakily. Possumtail released her grip. Birdsong all of a sudden pushed up with all her might. Possumtail fell over and struggled to get up as Birdsong held her down. Finally she managed to leap in the air and throw Birdsong off. Possumtail jumped up and shook leaves and grass out of her pelt. Birdsong had already gotten up and was creeping up on Possumtail. Birdsong kicked a stone and it landed by Possumtail. Possumtail looked down to see what had landed beside her and as she did, Birdsong leapt on top of Possumtail! Possumtail bucked and then did a side leap, sending Birdsong off balance. Birdsong lost her grip an tumbled head first into the dirt. "I should've known you were going to do that." said Possumtail. "Lets go hunting." said Birdsong.  Twitchy lightly padded out of the bush, but as she came out, her fluffy tail brushed a crackly leaf. Possumtail and Birdsong heard and saw her immediately. Twitchy shrunk back inside her pelt. "Get off our territory!!" yowled Birdsong. "I'll teach you what happens to kittypets when they cross into our territory!" yowled Possumtail. Twitchy began to get frantic! They had blocked her way of escape. She nervously tried to back away but she found that she was in a big grassy circle with thorns and brambles all around! "I wanted to join." meowed Twitchy. "You think we just let kittypets come and join our clan?!! Well I don't think so." snarled Possumtail. Oh no! thought Twitchy. Dawnheart had never taught her battle moves the only thing she had said about battling was do what your instinct tells you to do, and right now, Twitchy's instincts were telling her to run! Possumtail fluffed out her fur, until she looked twice her size. Twitchy backed away until her back was scraping the brambles. She winced. Possumtail strode forward until she was right in front of Twitchy. The menace in Possumtail's eyes was like fire. "Please just let me go. I'll never come back, again." begged Twitchy. "You think we'll just let you leave-without even giving you something to think about?" hissed Possumtail, "You need to learn where your place is-which is back with your twolegs!" Twitchy's eyes widened with fear, as Possumtail unsheathed her claws. They glinted in the weak sunlight. Then suddenly two cats appeared. One was Dawnheart-and the other, was a cat Twitchy had never seen before. The cat was a lithe black tom with white patches, and a blaze of white down it's muzzle. Then the black and white tom spoke-"I, am Tallstar. You must tell them, that I wish for you to join Sunclan, without you..." Then the two cats vanished as quickly as they had appeared. "What are you looking at?!" hissed Possumtail. "Did you get some fat, lazy kittypets to come ad rescue you?!" "T,T, Tallstar..." "How do you know about Tallstar?" demanded Birdsong. "Tallstar... he told me to tell you that he wishes for me to join Sunclan." Possumtail lunged at Twitchy-"And you think we're gonna believe that?!" Then Birdsong suddenly leaped in front of Possumtail. "Wait! How do you know about Tallstar? what was he like?!" Twitchy trembled as she spoke, "He was black with white patches, and he had a white blaze down his muzzle." "That is what he looked like, didn't he?" asked Birdsong. "He did." answered Possumtail, still glaring through narrowed eyes at Twitchy. "Then... if he sent her, and told her to join then..." Possumtail grunted. "Then we have to let her join." growled Possumtail. "But what I want to know, is why Tallstar asked us to take in a kittypet!" snarled Possumtail. "So can I, am I allowed to join...?"Possumtail still had her claws unsheathed. "Yes." growled Possumtail. Twitchy's terror turned to happiness! "Do you mean I can really join?" "Yes... what's your name?" asked Birdsong "Twitchy." "Then you'll have to become Twitchypaw." meowed Birdsong. Twitchy was so excited. She couldn't believe what had just happened! She had been accepted and allowed to come to Sunclan and be an apprentice! Maybe she would one day become deputy an then maybe, just maybe she would become the leader of Sunclan!

                                 The End
And here is the next book... OUT NOW: Clan Life!! Clan Life is about Twitchy, now Twitchypaw trying to fit in, in the clan. Being an apprentice is not as easy as it looks and Twitchypaw struggles as cats taunt her and  question her loyalty. Danger seems to lurk around every corner as cats start disappearing. Twitchypaw, Emberpaw and Nightpaw try to figure out whats happening. Then Twitchypaw disappears into a darkness. She must escape, but how? Then arguments break out and the clan divides and Twitchypaw must leave...her Clan.. her friends... everything...
                                CLAN LIFE

                                            Chapter 1

Twitchy bounced around in excitement! She was going to be an apprentice of Sunclan!! "Stop bouncing around like an excited kit!" said Possumtail, annoyed. "Sorry." Twitchy gave her fur an embarrassed lick. "Well, come on!" meowed Birdsong. Twitchy started to follow, but then a butterfly caught her attention. Twitchy leapt at it, batting it with an outstretched paw. Twitchy looked up and was about to leap again, when she notice the others, and remembered that she was supposed to be following them. They seemed to be whispering something to each other. Twitchy raced to catch up. " Twitchy, you need to focus on following us, rather than chasing after butterflies." said Birdsong, sternly, though the kindness in her face took the sting out of her words.  "Sorry Birdsong..." Twitchy followed after Birdsong and Possumtail,, and this time she didn't get distracted by butterflies. Leaves fell from the trees and it wasn't as warm as it had been when Twitchy had first entered the wild. "We're nearly at the camp." announced Possumtail. A few moments later, they came to a big bramble barrier. "Through there." directed Possmtail, as she flicked her tail at a small gap in the bramble barrier. Twitchy pushed her way through the small gap, wincing as her thick, fluffy fur caught on the prickly brambles. She pushed her way through and was amazed. She never really had any idea what a camp looked like. There was a whole pile of fresh kill, cozy dens full of moss, a big high rock, cats battle training in a sandy corner of the camp, cats sharing tongues, playing, talking, sharing fresh kill and practicing hunting crouches. Twitchy wandered over to the cats doing battle training. The cats doing battle training looked about Twitchy's age. Twitchy admired how they seemed to be able to do everything so swiftly. She longed for a go; she could show them the battle moves that she had made up, while play-fighting with Snowflake's kits! Can  I do some battle training too?" asked Twitchy nervously. Up till then, the cats doing battle training hadn't seemed to have noticed her. "Who are you?" asked one of the cats; a ginger tom. " I-" Twitchy was interrupted by another cat; a grey she-cat with white patches. "It's a kittypet!" " You're right!" snarled a dark grey tom. "So you want a battle do you, kittypet?!" snarled the grey she-cat with white patches. She fluffed out her fur, and narrowed her eyes. "Only battle training-" "This isn't battle training!" yowled the dark grey tom. They both unsheathed their claws and advanced on Twitchy, but this time, she didn't back down. She was going to be an apprentice of Sunclan! And apprentices of Sunclan didn't back down when they were going to be attacked, did they?! But before the apprentices attacked her, two of the other cats leapt in front of Twitchy. "Leave her alone!" snarled a black and white she-cat. "Yeah!" snarled the ginger tom. "Come on, Icepaw."  muttered the dark grey tom, glaring at the others. Icepaw stalked after him. "That was Icepaw and Darkpaw, they're not very nice." said the black and white she-cat. "I'm Twitchy. I'm going to be an apprentice." "Nice to meet you Twitchy. You're pretty brave to stand up to them." said the ginger tom, meaning Darkpaw and Icepaw. "Not really, you were braver than me." meowed Twitchy. "Well, me and Nightpaw are older than them both; soon we will be warriors!" "Darkpaw and Icepaw didn't look much younger than you two." said Twitchy. I know, but him and Icepaw are only new apprentices. they just like to pretend they're older." meowed the ginger tom, "My names Emberpaw, by the way."  "And I'm Nightpaw, as Emberpaw already said..." meowed Nightpaw. "Well, do you want to do some battle training, then?" asked Twitchy. "Yeah, lets! We can teach you some good battle moves if those two  try to attack you again." said Emberpaw. Twitchy's eyes widened. "You mean they, well give some big scratches, and rip my pelt up?" asked Twitchy, then she shook herself. There was nothing to be afraid of. Icepaw and Darkpaw were just annoying furballs. "I guess, I'll be ready for them then!" said Twitchy. "Well, let's get started-" Emberpaw was interrupted by Nightpaw. "Look, the Clan's gathering, there's going to be a meeting!" "A meeting?? Oh yeah, I'm going to !" "You had better give yourself a quick wash." advised Nightpaw, mischievously as she looked at Twitchy's dirty fur. Twitchy nodded and quickly began grooming her pelt. She licked it clean and then came up to the front of the crowd of cats...
Name: Icewhsiker. (Icepaw)
Favourite food: Fresh rabbit or squirrel.
Favourite things to do: Battling, and hanging out with Twitchytail. (She becomes best friends with Twitchytail (Twitchypaw)

                                                               Chapter 2

Twitchy was bursting with excitement! Possumtail addressed the Clan with a few words and then began the ceremony. "Twitchy, is it your wish to become an apprentice of Sunclan and leave your life as a kittypet, never to return to it again?" "It is." said Twitchy gravely, knowing how much this ceremony meant. Not just to her, but to all the cats around her. "Twitchy, from this moment on until you receive your warrior shall be known as Twitchypaw. Your mentor shall be..." Possumtail stopped for a moment and Twitchy, no Twitchypaw realized that Possumtail must not have decided on who her mentor should be, yet. Twitchy didn't take her eyes off Possumtail as she began to speak again. "Your mentor shall be Birdsong-" The cats around her gasped and began whispering and muttering, only Nightpaw and Emberpaw looked happy for her. Then one of the cats spoke up, voicing the other cats thoughts. "Why should a kittypet get to have the deputy as her mentor, let alone even join the clan?!" The other cats yowled their agreement, and Twitchypaw was certain she could hear Icepaw and Darkpaw yowling the loudest. One of the warriors advanced on Twitchypaw; a massive dark grey tom with a big battle scar down his side. Twitchypaw started to shrink back against the rock, but then she heard Dawnheart's voice whispering her head: You can beat him Twitchypaw! For all the strength of Dreamclan is with you, show him that you're no soft cowardly kittypet, show him! Twitchy felt strength flowing into her limbs, making her feel as if she could run forever and never be tired, fight any battle and win! She stepped forward defiantly until she was nose to nose with the dark-hearted warrior. "Twitchypaw, do you step down from a challenge and flee like a soft-hearted kittypet, or do you stand up to him like a warrior?" asked Birdsong.  "If Tallstar really told you to join Sunclan, then you will win. If you lose then that means that Tallstar did not tell you join Sunclan, and you will have to leave Sunclan, never to return again!" yowled Possumtail. "But you just made me an apprentice of Sunclan!" "But I can go back on that!" growled Possumtail.  And yet again Twitchypaw heard Dawnheart's voice in her head, whispering: Go on, fight him... do not be afraid... Twitchypaw pretended to relax her tensed muscles and slyly asked "Are you sure you want to fight me? Why don't you turn tail and flee now." Twitchypaw looked up at the warrior's face until the warrior looked away, but then he swung his head back and narrowed his eyes to slits. Twitchy was shaking a little now. "You're too cowardly to fight!" he sneered. "Am I?" Twitchypaw pretended to be completely surprised, though her voice was shaky. Then a shaft of weak sunlight fell down on Twitchypaw's fluffy fur, making her look as if she was glowing. She gave her paw a lick and then looked up at the warrior again, who seemed to be a little unsure of himself. Everyone around them was silent, waiting for the fight to begin. Twitchypaw looked up at the warrior again. "Are you so sure of yourself that I'm too cowardly to fight? Are you sure you're not to cowardly to fight me?" Asked Twitchypaw innocently. Then a few of the cats of Sunclan started yowling."Are you going to let a kittypet beat you, Thistleheart?!" "Attack her Thistleheart, attack her!!" "You can easily beat that soft-hearted kittypet!" "Rip her to shreds and show her she's not welcome in Sunclan!" "Show her some real wounds to think about!" "Are you too scared to attack a kittypet?!" "Hurry up, or I'll attack this pampered kittypet myself!!" "Thistleheart's too scared to attack a kittypet!!" "Thistlehearts a coward!!" "Attack her Thistleheart!!" "Show her what a warrior is!!" "Make her run back to her silly twolegs!!" The yowls and tauns were endless, and made Twitchypaw so angry, she thought she could take on the whole of Sunclan and shred every one of their pelts, apart from Birdsong, Nightpaw and Emberrpaw, of course!

Name: Nightfur (Nightpaw)                                       
Favourite food: Fresh vole
Favourite things to do: Hunting with Emberpaw and Twitchypaw and defending her clan.

                      Chapter 3

Twitchypaw's fur bristled angrily. She narrowed her eyes. Just then Nightpaw and Emberpaw came up. "Twitchypaw. In this fight you are going have to unsheathe your claws-" "What do you mean?! Am I supposed to kill him?!" "No of course not, but you will have to give that arrogant Thistleheart some wounds to remember you by, and to show the clan that you're not  a soft-hearted kittypet." replied Nightpaw. "Attack him full on, but don't kill him, whatever you do." warned Emberpaw. "Why fight my hardest?" asked Twitchypaw. "Because if you don't, that Thistleheart will shred you." warned Nightpaw. "He's too scared to even lay one paw on me." boasted Twitchypaw. Twitchypaw decided that she would attack Thistleheart when he was caught of-guard. She waited for Thistleheart to turn around and hiss at the warriors and apprentices that were taunting him, and she didn't have to wait long, either. "Hey, Thistleheart! I never realized you were so scared of a kittypet!" sneered one of the warriors. Thistleheart whirled around, and hissed at the warrior who had just spoken. Twitchpaw seized her chance. Bunching her muscles, she leaped on top of the angry and surprised Thistleheart, who tried to throw her off. But Twitchypaw dug in her claws and refused to let go.She clung on to Thistleheart with her hind paws and swiped at him with her front paws. Twitchypaw poised for yet another swipe, when Thistleheart, unespectedly, rolled over, squashing Twitchypaw. Twitchypaw clawed her way out from underneath  Thistleheart and leaped up,  barely having enough time to recover herself, before Thistleheart landed a blow on her shoulder. Screeching, Twitchypaw pulled herself away and then rammed into Thistleheart. She leaped on top of him and held him down, with the strength that Dreamclan had sent her. Thistleheart struggled for a moment and then gave up. "You win." he hissed through clenched teeth. Twitchypaw neatly jumped off Thistleheart and landed gracefully on her paws, where she began to lick the blood welling up on her shoulder. Thistleheart angrily stalked away to the warrior's den. "Twitchypaw, you have proved that Tallstar has told you to join Sunclan. You may stay in Sunclan." announced Possumtail from her place on the high rock. Nightpaw and Emberpaw raced up and congratulated Twitchypaw on beating Thistleheart. "Wow! Did Tallstar send you?!!"asked Nightpaw, amazed. "I can't believe you won!" said Emberpaw, in awe of what he had just seen. "It wasn't really me. I only won because... Because Tallstar adn... well because Tallstar wanted me to join..." And Dawnheart, said Twitchypaw silently. "Am I allowed something to eat?" "Sure, the freshkill pile is over there." said Emberpaw, as he angled his ears at a meager pile of fresh-kill. She hurried over to the meager fresh-kill pile and chose a small vole. The only prey remaining was a scrawny sparrow and a half starved mouse. Prey must be scarce, thought Twitchypaw. Twitchypaw gulped her vole down in three bites and then ran over to Nightpaw and Emberpaw. "Well, do you want to do battle training?" asked Twitchypaw. "What?! That's the most mousebrained thing I ever heard! You don't need to do any battle training, after that! You just beat Thistleclaw. He's one of the senior warriors!" said Emberpaw. "That was just because Tallstar wanted me to join Sunclan. He won't help me to win again.  It's just because I had to prove he was really with me. He won't give me strength like that again." said Twitchypaw. Or Dawnheart won't help me like that again.. added Twitchypaw silently.  Emberpaw still looked doubtful. "So, you've heard of Tallstar, then, right?" asked Twitchypaw. "Of-course-he was the leader of Windclan!" meowed Nightpaw. Windclan? thought Twitchypaw.  Twitchypaw looked over at Nightpaw. "Oh come on..." said Twitchypaw, getting very impatient. "All right..." said Nightpaw. "But make sure you keep your claws sheathed this time." added Emberrpaw. Emberpaw and Nightpaw led the way to the sandy corner of the camp.

 Name: Darkheart (Darkpaw)
Favourite food: Freshly caught minnow
Favourite things to do: Taunting Twitchypaw about being a kittypet, fighting in battle, and training to be a cat in darkclan. (Later on in the next story.)

                                                                             Chapter 4

Twitchypaw padded around to one side of the sandy corner of the camp. "Ready?" she asked, excitedly. "Yes." said Nightpaw as she positioned herself for her first move. Twitchypaw saw Nightpaw's muscles give a slight flex before she leaped. Twitchypaw, having noticed this, leaped out of the way before Nightpaw could get her. "Are you sure it was just Tallstar helping you to beat Thistleheart?" asked Nightpaw. "You know it was Nightpaw, As in, how can a kittypet beat a full trained warrior?" "Nightpaw, she's telling the truth." meowed Emberpaw. "Well, she's pretty good, anyway.  Even without Tallstar-" But Nightpaw didn't get to finish what she was saying, for right at that moment, Twitchypaw had leaped at her and bowled her over. "Oof, get off!!" came Nightpaw's muffled reply. Twitchypaw rolled off and leaped up, ready. Nightpaw circled around Twitchypaw silently, as if she was stalking prey and then she ran up so fast that Twitchypaw didn't realize what was happening, until Twitchypaw felt Nightpaw aim a blow at her front paws, making Twitchypaw fall over. But she wasn't going to let Nightpaw pin her down, no, not ever!! She kicked Nightpaw off with her hind paws and neatly jumped back up. Then Nightpaw ran at her again, but Twitchyaw was ready for it this time. She did half of a double back flip in the air and then grabbed onto a branch above her head. Nightpaw stopped, utterly confused. Twitchypaw silently let go of the branch and dropped straight onto a very surprised Nightpaw. Emberpaw was sitting at the far side of the clearing, watching everything Twitchypaw did very keenly. Twitchypaw p;inned  a struggling Nightpaw down and said in a very triumphant voice, "I win!!" Emberpaw walked over to them. "It's my turn to fight you, now, Twitchypaw." said Emberpaw. "But this time you're going to be the one being pinned down!" "Oh really?!" said Twitchypaw, "I dare you to-" But Emberpaw leaped at her and pushed her flat over before she could finish what she was saying. "And I'll take up that dare!" meowed Emberpaw as pummeled Twitchypaw with sheathed claws. Twitchypaw pushed him off and scrabbled in the sand trying to get up. But Emberpaw was on her again! Twitchypaw caught Emberpaw a blow on his shoulder, managing to push him off long enough, for Twitchypaw to get up. Twitchypaw clawed her way up a tree and waited for the right moment to leap. But Emberpaw seemed to realize that Twitchypaw had climbed a tree, so he climbed a tree too, thinking that Twichypaw had climbed up that tree. Twitchypaw, meanwhile was slinking along a leafy branch, her pelt was invisible among the leaves. She bunched her muscles and leaped to another branch, but she got the timing wrong and found herself falling, falling... Her senses jolted back into action as she hit the ground with a big thud. Twitchypaw tried to get up, but fell down, gasping in pain. "Twitchypaw, Twitchypaw, are you all right?" Nightpaw's worried face  peered down at her. Emberpaw scrambled down from the tree and came over to see what had happened. Then Twitchypaw found their faces going around and around and around and everything went completely black...

Twitchypaw blinked open her tired eyes. Where was she? Why was she here? Twitchypaw looked around her. She seemed to be in a den of some sort. The place smelt like herbs. Twitchypaw glimpsed a few piles of herbs at one side of the den. She was glad of the warm mossy nest, she was sleeping in. Twithchypaw dropped her head back down into the cozy moss and drifted back into sleep...

Name: Emberclaw (Emberpaw)
Favourite foods: Sparrow and mouse
Favourite things to do: Unknown

                                           Chapter 5

Twitchypaw struggled to get up. She felt a searing pain. Her whole body ached with every move she made. Then a gentle paw pushed her back down into the comfy moss. "You need to get some sleep. You had quite a fall from that tree." Then it all came back to Twitchypaw. She must be in the medicine cat den. Twitchypaw remembered falling out of the tree and hitting the ground with a thump and then everything had gone black... "Who are you?" asked Twitchypaw in a small voice. "Honeyfeather, the medicine cat. Now get some sleep. It's not day time yet..." Twitchypaw curled her tail around her and drifted gently into sleep. But something seemed to be disturbing her. She sat up and opened her eyes. She no longer felt the searing pain that she had felt a few seconds ago. But then Twitchypaw realized that she was not in the medicine cat den. She must be dreaming, but the place seemed strangely familiar, though she couldn't quite put her paw on it. Twitchypaw looked around at her surroundings. She was in a forest clearing with beautiful bushes, flowers and trees all around. She heard a water trickling, somewhere behind her and realized there must be a spring nearby. Flexing her muscles, she walked around the edge of the clearing and was about to push her way through some bushes, when she heard a rustling noise. Twitchypaw whirled around, instantly alert, but then she relaxed as she saw Dawnheart walking towards her. No wonder this place looked familiar. It was Dreamclan! "Hello Twitchypaw!" "Dawnheart, who is Tallstar?" "Oh Twitchypaw... it doesn't matter, he is a cat of.. some other place." "Does Sunclan belive in Dreamclan?" asked Twitchypaw. "No.." sighed Dawnheart, the believe in Starclan-that's where Tallstar is. " Now, shall I teach you how to jump from tree to tree, so that in the future you don't get hurt again, like you just did?" asked Dawnheart. Twitchypaw gave her fur a few embarrassed licks, before replying. "Well, I kind of just slipped..." Twitchypaw trailed off as she saw a knowing look in Dawnheart's eyes. "I saw you, Twitchypaw." said Dawnheart quietly. "You don't have to keep secrets from me." Dawnheart's voice was soft and calming, like a quiet whispering breeze floating through the air. Twitchypaw felt as if she were a kit again, snuggled up beside her mother. Then she shook her fur and looked up. " Well, can you teach me how to jump from tree to tree now?" "Oh yes!" Said Dawnheart in an amused tone. "I'll teach you how not to fall out of trees!" Dawnheart laughed as she spoke and Twitchypaw found herself laughing too. Twitchypaw followed Dawnheart into the trees...

Twitchypaw woke with a start, all her pain coming back to her. Her stomach rumbled with hunger. A cat was moving around at the back of the den. "Honeyfeather?" "Yes?" "I'm starving..." "I'll grab you a piece of fresh-kill." Twitchypaw strained her ears to hear what was going on in the camp. she felt tension and fear in the air. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather hear beneath the high rock for a clan meeting!" Twitchypaw leaped up, then collapsed back down into the moss, in pain. She strained her ears to hear what Possumtail was saying. Just then Honeyfeather came back with a tiny sparrow in her jaws. It was so small that it would be gone in one bite. She dropped it in front of Twitchytail and then hurried into the clearing, where the clan was gathered. Twitchypaw ate the sparrow, but her tummy still rumbled. She needed more to eat than that! Twitchypaw pulled herself forward, until she was at the entrance to the medicine cat den. "As  most of you probably know, Darkpaw and Stormsky went missing last night. They went hunting and didn't return. Birdsong and myself followed their scent trail, but lost it. Every cat must be on the alert, in case there is a badger in the forest, picking us off, one by one..." Wails of distress came from the Queens, and Twitchypaw could smell fear scent all through-out the camp.  Twitchypaw saw Possumtail leap off the high rock and join Birdsong. They began whispering in lowered voices and then Birdsong followed Possumtail into the leader's den. The clan had broken up into small groups. They whispered and shared worried glances. "I bet that kittypet lured a badger into the woods!" yowled Thistleheart, glaring at Twitchypaw through narrowed eyes. Twitchypaw glared back and then pulled herself back into the cozy mossy nest. Her eyes closed, then they shot open again. Something was tickling her nose. It was a bright yellow flower. Twitchypaw looked around. She was in Sunclan territory. Bt how did she get here, when she was i the medicine cat den a few moments ago. Her pain was gone, so she realized she was yet again, dreaming. She race along through the forest, weaving in and out of the trees with a slight breeze ruffling her fur. Then she stopped. She was at the Sunclan border, beyond her lay unknown territory. She tasted the air for danger and then padded wearily across...

Name: Honeyfeather
Favourite food: Starling
Favourite thing to do: Looking after over cats, herb collecting.

                                                                      Chapter 6

Twitchypaw walked across a small stretch of grass and came to an abrupt stop as she smelled a twoleg thing. She cautiously sniffed the air. She stopped and sniffed again. Twitchypaw could smell Darkpaw and another Sunclan cat. Then she saw something that made her mouth water. A freshly killed plump, tender rabbit. It was in some kind of a twoleg thing. Her tummy was rumbling so much, and she could almost taste the squirrel already, flooding over taste glands and fulling her hungry tummy...  "Twitchypaw." Twitchypaw spun around. "Dawnheart! How?" Dawnheart brushed her tail across Twitchypaw's mouth and angled her ears at a twoleg thing four fox-lengths ahead. Dawnheart quietly led the way over to the twoleg thing and Twitchypaw saw a twoleg emerge from it. She leaped back and then quietly crept back up. Now Twitchypaw could here wails-cat wails. They grew louder and then they went silent. Then there was twoleg grasping a cat in it's massive paws. Nothing made sense. The trees around Twitchypaw started to spin and  then everything was  dark. Twitchypaw tried to move but she was trapped. Something cold pressed up against her. She smelt other cats, but she couldn't see them. Then she heard the unmistakable meow of Darkpaw... Twitchypaw strained ehr ears to hear what he was saying. She jumped as she felt a paw gently shaking her. Her eyes blinked open into light that almost blinded ehr after the darkness she had been. Honeyfeater was looking at her worriedly. "Twitchypaw? Are you okay? You said some strange things..." Twitchypaw looked up. "It was just... Well I had a strange dream..." Honeyfeather retreated to the back of the medicine cat den and came back a moment later with some dripping wet moss. Twitchypaw gratefully lapped up the clean, cool water. "What was your dream about?"asked Honeyfeather. Twitchypaw looked a little uncertain now. "It doesn't matter..." "It's worrying you Twitchypaw. I can tell by your anxious expression.You can tell me. I'm your medicine cat, and it might be important."   Twitchypaw glanced around, to make sure no one was nearby and then began to tell Honeyfeather her dream. "I was in Sunclan territory. I wanted to explore, so I crossed  the Sunclan border. Then I smelt a twoleg thing... And, and, a cat came to me and led me over to it. I heard cats wailing. Then I saw a twoleg grasping  a cat in it's  paws. Then everything went dark and I, I heard Darkpaw meow..." Honeyfeather's expression was unreadable and all she said was, "wait here, before briskly walking out of the den. She returned a moment later with Birdsong, the clan deputy, also Twitchypaw's mentor."Possumtail as out hunting, so I brought Birdsong." announced Honeyfeather. Twitchypaw wasn't sure what to do. "You can trust her, Twitchypaw." said Honeyfeather, breaking into Twitchypaw's thoughts.  Twitchypaw looked up into Birdsong's serious face. "Well... I, I was walking through Sunclan territory and I came to the Sunclan border. I crossed the border and then I saw this massive twoleg thing. A cat was there and she led me over to it. There were cats wailing, and a twoleg was grasping a cat in it's paws. Then everything went dark and I was trapped in a small space. Then I heard Darkpaw..." Bidsong now looked a little hopeful. "Was there anything else, Twitchypaw?" asked Birdsong, "Were the cats in the twoleg thing. Have you any idea how they got in there?" "There was something else..." "Please tell me..." Birdsong's voice was pleading now. "There was another twoleg thing, a small twoleg thing. And it had the most juiciest squirrel I ever saw, in it. I was about to go in, but the cat came, and I didn't, because I forgot. The cats were in the twoleg thing. I think that the twoleg thing with the food in it was some kind of trap..."' Twitchypaw's eyes closed again. "Wait!" said Birdsong, giving her a prod. Don't go to sleep yet. "Where abouts on Sunclan territory were you?" "I don't know... only that it was Sunclan territory because...well I smelt Sunclan..." "Thanks Twitchypaw. We'll keep a look out for a big twoleg thing. Though, we should have seen it by now... maybe is was just a dream..."  Birdsong left the den and raced over to the bramble barrier where Possumtail was returning with her patrol. Twitchypaw struggled to sit up, wincing with pain. But she managed. Honeyfeather followed Birdsong and the leader, deputy and medicine cat, went to Possumtail's den... They emerged a few moments later.

                               Sunclan cats hunting at the edge of the forest.              

                                            Chapter 7

Twitchypaw pricked her ears as she heard Possumtail summon the clan. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather her beneath the high rock for a clan meeting!" All the cats of Sunclan gathered beneath the high rock.  "Today, my patrol split up to hunt. I went with Icepaw. Thistleheart went with Leafshine.  But when we came back to camp, they were not here. They have been missing for a while now and I would like to send some patrols to find them..." Twitchypaw closed her eyes and fell into a fitful sleep...

Twitchypaw wriggled around uncomfortably. Pain still seared through her entire body. A chilly wind swept through the camp and into the medicine cat den. Not even Twitchypaw's thick, fluffy fur could keep out the cold. Twitchpaw shivered uncontrollably, her teeth chattering.  She tried to burrow down deeper into the moss, but it didn't keep her any warmer. "Honeyfeather?" A dim figure near the entrance to the medicine cat den sat p and made her way over to Twitchypaw. "What is it?" asked Honeyfeather drowsily, still blinking sleep out of her eyes. "I'm cold." said Twitchypaw. "Snuggle up to me, then." said Honeyfeather in a kind tone. Honeyfeather curled around Twitchypaw and soon Twitchpaw found herself slipping back into sleep...Not for long though. A few minutes later, Tiwtchypaw felt a paw prodding her. "Wha..." A flame-coloured tom was looking down at her. "You must rescue these cats, before, before..." Twitchypaw stared at him, curiosity in her eyes. "Who are you?" "It doesn't matter who I am! Rescue these cats! The same thing happened to my clan..." The flame-coloured tom's anger subsided and there was a more gentle look in his eyes. "Just do it, okay?" he said, before vanishing into a thick mist. The last Twitchypaw saw of him was a flame-coloured tail whisking away. "Wait!" Tiwthcypaw yowled after him. She charged through the endless mist, stumbling and falling... Then her eyes blinked open, and she was back in her nest in the medicine cat den. Dawn light filtered into the medicine cat den. Honeyfeather was sorting through her herb store at the back of the medicine cat den. "Honeyfeather?" "What is it?" asked Honeyfeather, in an irritated tone. "I had another dream..." Tiwtchypaw glanced around before carrying on, "There was this cat... and he said to rescue the cats before something happened. He said that the same thing happened to his clan...." Twitchypaw trailed off. " "Well, I'll talk to Birdsong and Possumtail about doubling search patrols, but other than that, we cant anything else..." "Which cats are missing?" "Leafshine, Darkpaw, Stormsky and Thistleheart..." Drowsily, Twitchypaw fell into a deep sleep, awakening when Honeyfeather brought her a pitifully small vole. Twitchypaw gulped it down and licked her lips. "Honeyfeather... Do you think I'm ready to leave the medicine cat den yet? It's driving me crazy being stuck in her. "Okay, but take it easy, understand? No battle training or patrols yet!" said Honeyfeather, amusement in her eyes. Twitchypaw nodded vigorously and bounded out into the camp. Dark clouds threatened overhead and the a chilly wind swept through the entire camp. Shivering, Tiwtchypaw stretched each leg in turn and tried to exercise her stiff muscles. Just then, Nightpaw entered the camp with two scrawny mice in her jaws. She dropped them the meager small fresh-kill pile and padded over to Twitchypaw. "Hi Twi tchypaw!" she meowed. She ducked her head and whispered, "Follow me, and don't let anyone see you. We're meeting Emberpaw in the forest."  Nightpaw pretended to go to the warriors den and then sharply turned to the right and slunk through the bramble barrier after checking that no cat was watching. Twitchypaw followed. Once they were in the forest, Nightpaw and Twitchypaw began to relax. Nightpaw led the way to a small clearing. Leaves covered the forest floor, brittle with cold. Emberpaw was waiting on a mossy tree stump. "I knew you would be able to sneak out of camp." said Emberpaw. "So what's all this about?" asked Twitchypaw. "It's about the missing cats." said Nightpaw. "Strange, how both darkpaw and his mentor disappeared." said Emberpaw thoughtfully.  "I think that they have been caught in traps and taken outside of Sunclan territory!" declared Twitchypaw, "and I'm going to find them!" "Twitchypaw! Are you that mousebrained that you're going to go outside of Sunclan territory in search of something that might not even be there?!" meowed Nightpaw, annoyed.  "Don't you want to rescue them?!" asked Twitchypaw, feeling hurt. "Yes, I do. But that's not the way to do it. " said Nightpaw decisively. "Why don't we just keep a look out for any unusual twoleg thing in Sunclan territory?" asked Emberpaw butting into Nightpaw and Twitchypaw's argument. "Okay." agreed Twitchypaw, unenthusiastically. Nightpaw nodded in agreement. "I'd better get back to camp, or Honeyfeather will wonder where I am..." muttered Twitchypaw. "We'll meet you back at camp after catching some fresh-kill, Twitchypaw." meowed Emberpaw. "Okay." said Twitchypaw. Twitchypaw began to feel her aches and pains coming back, but now, was no time to complain! She stumbled through some bracken, but soon she had completely lost her own scent trail. Bother, thought Twitchypaw. "Nightpaw?" called Twitchypaw, "Emberpaw?" But the two apprentices were nowhere in sight.  Twitchypaw fell over a bramble and fell over into a clump of ferns.  

Name: Thistleheart
Favourite food: Thrush
Favourite thing to do: Taunting Twitchypaw, and fighting in the midst of battle.
                                            Chapter 8

Twitchypaw sat up and tried ot figure out which way the camp was. She padded forward until she came to a halt at the Sunclan border. Twitchypaw knew it was the Sunclan border because she could smell the Sunclan scent markers. She looked around her and felt her heart beating faster and faster. All her pains forgotten, she charged over the border. Yes  this was it! This was the place where Twitchypaw had met Dawnheart in her dream. Twitchypaw pushed her way through some ferns and weaved around some trees, where she came to a halt. Twitchypaw flattened herself to the grass as she saw a big twoleg thing in front of her. She heard cats meowing in hushed voices. There was a couple wails and then everything went quiet. Twitchypaw crept forward, every muscle in her body protesting. Now she was only inches from the twoleg thing. She sniffed and looked around, and there in a strange twoleg thing, was a freshly caught plump vole. Twitchypaw cautiously walked over to it. She stuck her nose in first and inch by inch, pawstep by pawstep crept into the twoleg thing. She opened her jaws and took a bite of the mouthwatering prey. Then there was a bang! Twitchypaw turned around and wailed. She was trapped. Then she smelt twolegs and felt everything moving... Twitchypaw flattened herself, hoping the twolegs would let her go. Then all the remaining light disappeared and Twitchypaw was in darkness. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, Twitchypaw could make lout the dim outlines of other cats. She spotted a dark black cat in a corner,  trapped in the same thing as her. "Darkpaw!" she yowled urgently, "where are we!" "Twitchypaw! Is that you?" "Yes! It's me!" Darkpaw's hostility was gone, now that they were both stuck in the same bad situation. "Is any other Sunclan cats her?" meowed Twitchypaw. "I'm here! It's Stormsky. Leafshine is somewhere over there..." "And I'm here." grunted a dark coloured Tom, whom Twitchypaw recognized instantly as Thistleheart. "Has anyone got a plan to get out of here?" grumbled a tortises-shell she-cat. "Who are you?" asked Twitchypaw, curiously. "A cat living by herself and minding her own bussiness. A loner, that's what you fellow wild-cats call us." grumbled the tortise-shell she-cat. "Well I'm a cat living with nofurs." "What? Oh you mean "Tallpaws?" "Yeah-whatever you call them..." "I live with Housefolk. Same as you two-" "Housefolk?!" one of the cats roared with laughter. "What a strange and funny name!" "You are all wrong! They are called cat-carers!" meowed a silky white cat with a flat, broad face and small delicate paws. "Cat carers? Anyway what are you? One of those fashionable snobs?" sneered one cat. "And what do you call yourself then?" retorted the silky white cat, " an annoying fly that buzzes where it shouldn't" the silky white cat broke into laughter and a few other cats joined in. The other cat, pointedly turned his back on them and muttered something under his breath. "Can you flea-brained kitties keep your mouths shut for once?!" yowled Thistleheart. "Yeah!" yowled Darkpaw. "What are you?" asked one of the cats, wrinkling her nose in disgust. "A wild cat that eats bones of soft little kitties, like you!!" taunted Darkpaw. All the kittypets fell silent. Twitchypaw laughed, half to herself. Twitchypaw lay her head on her paws and fell into a fitful sleep.

She was woken to a loud yowling. Another cat must have been caught. Then Twitchypaw realized that it wasn't just one cat.  It must be at least two in the same trap... A small shaft of light cmae into the strange twoleg thing where Twitchypaw and all the other cats were being kept. Twitchypaw could make out a twoleg holding a wailing, clawing cat. There was another twoleg behind him holding three things, the same as what Twitchypaw was beign trapped in. Inside them were cats. Twitchypaw sniffed. Sunclan cats... Then the twolegs let and everything went dark again. Twitchypaw looked at the cats and made out a cat with grey fur and white patches. "Icepaw?" asked Twitchypaw. "Yes, is that you Twitchypaw?" "Yes, it's me." replied Twitchypaw. "Oh Twitchypaw! I've been so worried about you ever since you disappeared!" meowed Icepaw. "What?!" mewed Twitchypaw. "I thought you didin't like me!" "Well... I didn't to start wiht. But I kind of do now... Will you be friends with me?" "Well, I'm not goign to say no." said Twitchypaw. Wven though she was trapped, she felt happy, because she had just made a new friend. Then Twitchypaw heard another voice, complaining. "Do you mind?!" "What?" came a muffled reply.  "I'm squashed." "Who's that?" asked Twitchypaw. "Emberpaw from Sunclan with-" "-Blackfur." 

The twoleg thing where Twitchypaw and the others are being trapped.

                                         Chapter 9

"Blackfur??" Asked Twitchypaw, wondering who he was. "Yes, Blackfur. You probably don't know who I am..." came a muffled reply. "Twitchypaw! Is that you?! I was so worried when your disappeared, and well... there has been a lot of arguments in the clan... I came to get some peace... I never realized that this food would be set for a trap. I was thinking about the elders. They've been complaining a lot...!" "Yes, it's Twitchypaw. I didn't think I'd ever see you again. But I was wrong... though I wish I was right, that you were still in the clan. Sunclan needs cats to hunt..." Twitchypaw trailed off, as she realized talking about what she hoped had happened wouldn't help any cat get out. "How many Sunclan cats are here?" asked Emberpaw, "Is it Leafshine, Icepaw, Darkpaw, Thistleheart, Stormfur, me and Blackfur-"  "What about me?!" demanded Twitchypaw- "-and you..." finished Emberpaw. "Yes." came a chorus of Sunclan cat voices. Twitchypaw winced. How many more cats would end up here?! "Maybe if we fall asleep, we'll realized we dreamed up the whole thing." came the voice of Blackfur. "Great!" came the sarcastic voice of one cat. "I've already tried that atleast seven times." a few other cats grumbled and complained and then everything went silent again. Twitchypaw was hungry, so she took a few bites of the prey that was still in her cage. "Wait. Uh, howcome kittypets are here?? I thought they didn't like prey..." "We sometimes do like to investigate things though. And we're not afraid of twoleg things like you..." "But we were right to be afraid of them." came Thistleheart's contemptuous voice. "Huh." said one of te kittypets. "What about me?" "Who's me?" snorted Thistleheart, "another kittypet? Oh great. This place is infested with them." "Thistleheart!" I didn't know that was how you talked to your clanmates," The cat paused for a moment and then said, "It's Rosetail." "Uh, sorry Rosetail." came Thistleheart's embarassed voice.  Twitchypaw curled up tightly and fell into sleep...

Twitchypaw awoke to a small shaft of light beaming across the floor of twoleg thing where the cats were being kept. A twoleg holding another  cat-trapping thing (What Twitchypaw decided to call them.) came into the twoleg thing. A cat was meowing away inside the cat-trapping thing. Then the twoleg left and Twitchypaw and the other cats were once again, left in darkness. "Rosetail? Are you here?" asked the cat that had just been captured. She was a fluffy white cat with a small scar across the left side of her face. "Snowpaw!" meowed Rosetail. "Is it really you?!" "Yes, Snowpaw." "Are all the other Sunclan cats here?" "Yes, we're all here." grumbled Thistleheart, he turned his back and curled up, blocking his ears with his tail. A new voice spoke up."I'm never going to get this twoleg stench out of my pelt." complained Icepaw. She swiped her paws over face and began to groom herself. "It won't matter for the kittypet thoug. She already has twoleg stench anyway." sneered Darkpaw.  Stormsky muttered something under his breath, while Leafshine spoke a few words of comfort to Emberpaw. Blackfur complained about the fresh-kill, meanwhile, Twitchypaw was trying to get back to sleep. "Can you keep your mouths shut, or am I going to make you, by getting th twoleg to come here." meowed one cat, loud enough for all the cats to here. "Oh yeah, I'd like to see you try." snarled Blackfur. "Sure, you asked for it." The cat threw up his head and yowled as hard as he could. Soon a twoleg came in yowling something in twoleg language. Another twoleg came and starting talking to the other twoleg. Then they grabbed the nearest cage, Icepaw's cage and shook it violently. Twitchypaw narrowed her eyes. Snarling and yowling for all she was worth, she leaped at the side of the cat-trapping thing. It toppled and smashed into the ground. The thing swung open. Twitchypaw was free! Twitchypaw hurled herself at the nearest twoleg and felt satisfaction as her claws ripped into flesh. Icepaw's whimpering could barely be heard, above Twitchypaw's racket. The twolegs started yowling louder and the whole place was full of noise and action! Twitchypaw bit a twoleg's paw as it tried to scoop her up. Thistleheart watched for a  moment and then hurled himself at the cat-trapping thing. Now there were two cats attacking the twolegs. But how long could they keep it up? "Thistleheart! distract them!" yowled twitchypaw. She hurled herself at the nearest cat-trapping thing and it burst open. A cat ran out and joined Thistleheart. The twoelgs began throwing things at the cats, who skillfully dodged. Twitchypaw leapt at another cat-trapping thing. She did it again, and again and again until all the cats were free. "Get out! Get out!" yowled Twitchypaw. The cats streamed out Twitchypaw tried to get out. I'm free! thought Twitchypaw. Then a twoleg grabbed her so tightly, she could barely breathe. The twoleg sneered something in twoelg language and then went over to a big twoleg thing. Like where Twitchypaw used to live. Then Twichypaw heard another cat. She craned her neck to see Icepaw in a cat-trapping thing that a twoleg was carrying. Blood dripped from a long gash in Icepaw's side. Twitchypaw winced when she saw it. The twoleg jerked twitchypaw until she felt sick and then they through her into the twoleg den. Twitchypaw yowled as she hit a hard floor. The cat-trapping thing Icepaw was in was set on the ground and then the twolegs left. Twitchypaw shakily went over to Icepaw and began to fiddle with the cat-trapping latch that kept it closed. "No!" Icepaw's meow was sharp. "This is my destiny. Go back to Sunclan. Th clan needs you, not me." Twitchypaw's gaze filled with dismay. "Icepaw! I can't leave you!" blurted out Twitchypaw. "I will see you again, one day. I have seen Dreamclan and they have showed em that we will meet again..." "Dreamclan?You know about Dreamclan?" "Yes.." Icepaw turned away and Twitchypaw couldn't help feeling a tear roll down her cheek. "Good-bye..." meowed Twitchypaw sadly, before she turned away and leaped out an open gap in the twoleg thing. She looked back once and then raced across a open stretch of ground, into the forest. The ground blurred beneath her paws. She stopped to catch her breathe at the Sunclan border. Twitchypaw flicked a scrap of leaf off her and then carried on. She ran through the forest. She stopped, as she caught Emberpaw and another Sunclan cat's scent trail.

Name: Snowstorm (Snowpaw)
Favourite food: Unknown
Favourite thing to do: Unknown

                                            Chapter 10  

Twitchypaw padded on through the forest following the scent trail. Soon she came to a big barrier of brambles. She found the gap in it and pushed her way through. No one had noticed her. Twitchypaw stayed to the outskirts of the camp to hear what they were saying. "What about Twitchypaw? Now that we know what's happening, we can send a patrol to rescue her." came Birdsong's voice. "What?! You want to go after a kittypet?" came Possumtail's voice. "She's my apprentice." said Birdsong. "I can get you another apprentice." came Possumtail's irrated voice. "Besides, Tallstar told her to join-" "Then he'll rescue her himself if he cares that much about her." Meowed Possumtail scornfully. "What about Icepaw?" piped up Darkpaw, "She got taken too, you know." "What? I thought you all got out. Well, they can find a way to escape by themselves. " "Well, I'm not leaving my apprentice!" yowled Blackfur, angrily. "Blackfur! Are you mousebrained?! The twolegs will just catch you as well, then we'll have another cat missing!" yowled a cat. Twitchypaw wasn't sure who it was. "Possumtail, I really want to have a chance to mentor Twitchypaw..." meowed Birdsong, trying to persuade Possumtail. Twitchypaw was bored of watching so she crept out of her hiding spot and went over to Birdsong. She decided not to let them know that she ahd heard them. "Twitchypaw, I thought the twoleg got you!" meowed Birdsong. "Where's Icepaw??!" demanded Possumtail. "She told me to leave her, because, because... it was her destiny..." "That's ridiculous!" snarled Possumtail, "Prove it!" "She told me so." meowed Twitchypaw boldly. "Possumtail... I might just take Twitchypaw for some battle training. And then I'll show her around the territory tomorrow." said Birdsong quickly. "No! I can't have kittypets in this clan, and certainly not ones that don't even help their clan mates when they're right beside them!" growled Possumtail. "She told me-" "I'll decide on your punishment." growled Possumtail. "It'll most-likely be exile." Twitchypaw stared at Possumtail in dismay. "Come on, Twitchypaw." said Birdsong. Twitchypaw wearily padded after Birdsong. Her tail drooped and her eyes went dull. Birdsong led the way to the sandy corner of the camp. "Twitchypaw. Was that...that truth?" asked Birdsong in a serious tone. "Yes." replied Twitchypaw. "I didn't want to leave her, though. We became friends..." "I see..." "Try telling that to Possumtail!" blurted out Twitchypaw. "That's not how you talk about the leader." said Birdsong in a scolding tone. " I know...sorry." "Well, lets see your battle moves..." Birdsong trailed off. "Have your injuries from falling out of the tree, recovered?" asked Birdsong. "Yes, I'm fine." said Twitchypaw. "Do you, will , do you think Possumtail will really exile me?" asked Twitchypaw in a small voice. " I don't know..." Twitchypaw searched Birdsong's gaze, but it was unreadable. "Well, shall we do the some battle training?" asked Birdsong. The thought of battle  training made Twitchypaw brighten up...a little. "Are you ready?" asked Birdsong. "Yes." Twitchypaw pretended to relax her muscles and look as if she wasn't even focusing. Her eyes darted back and forward so fast that Birdsong didn't notice. She had learnt to always be ready, but look as if you're not, when Thistleheart had attacked her. Twitchypaw waited until Birdsong sprang at her, before dodging neatly and weaving back and forth. She swiped out her paw and caught a blow to Birdsong's shoulder. Birdsong ducked her head and spun around so fast that Twitchypaw didn't realize what Birdsong was doing until, she felt Birdsong hooking her paws from underneath her. With one quick move, Birdsong flipped Twitchypaw over and her down on he ground. "Not bad, I suppose..." said Birdsong. "See if you can stay on your paws a bit longer, though." Twitchypaw looked thoughtful. "I know what to do now, you know, when you do that move." said Twitchypaw. "It probably won't work though. The only thing you can do is jump away." "No...I mean to block it." "How?" "You'll be ready for it if I tell you!" meowed Twitchypaw, laughing. "What sort of battle training is that?!" "We're wasting time. Come on!" Twitchypaw didn't wait for Birdsong, this time. Instead, she weaved in zigzag's across the small space of grass between her and Birdsong. Birdsong leaped at her, but Twitchypaw, as fast as lightning fluffed out her fur and leaped right over Birdsong's head. Birdsong shook out her fur. "That was...surprising...with how you suddenly fluffed your fur out." "Well, I did it because...I would never be able to jump over you otherwise. You would just leap up and scoop me out of the air." "But I didn't, because you gave me quite a surprise when you fluffed your fur out." finished Birdsong. "Very good move." Twitchypaw glowed with pride. Then something rammed into her side and she fell over in a tangle of legs and tail. "-You must always be ready. You need to remember that!" Twitchypaw scrambled up and warily watched Birdsong, to make sure she wasn't going to ram into her again! Twitchypaw was feeling as light as air, but her heart sank as she heard Possumtail summoning the clan.

The highrock in the Sunclan camp.

                                   Chapter  11

Twitchypaw padded over to the highrock and sat down beside Nightpaw and Emberpaw. Her tail drooped. "Twitchypaw-what's wrong?" asked Nightpaw. "Possumtail want's to exile me." muttered Twitchypaw sadly. "why-" Nightpaw cut off abruptly, as the leader began to speak. "I have called you here, today. I have good news, and bad news, for those who wish it to bad news. Most of you will consider it good news, though." said Possumtail in a sneering way. Twitchypaw could feel Possumtail's gaze burning into her. "Snowpaw, please step forward." What has she done wrong? thought Twitchypaw. But Snowpaw looked happy. "Snowpaw, you have completed your apprentice training and I believe you a now ready to take on a warrior name. Rosetail,  are you satisfied with her assessment?" "Yes. She was an eager apprentice and I believe she is more than ready to become a warrior." came Rosetail's reply. Possmtail gave a swift nod before carrying on with ceremony. "Snowpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to fight and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?" "I do." came Snowpaw's very nervous voice. "Then, by the powers of Starclan, I grant you your warrior name. From this moment on you shall be known as Snowstorm. Starclan honors your willingness and battle skill." The cats called Snowpaw's new name; Snowstorm. "Snowstorm! Snowstorm!" Twitchypaw added her voice to the many other voices. Possumtail began to speak again, as the noise died down. "Now here is the bad news. Good news to most cats, I suppose." Possumtail paused for a moment, "Twitchypaw. You left your clanmate, Icepaw, when she was in trouble. You could easily rescue her, but you didn't bother to." Twitchypaw felt angry gazes burning into her pelt. She shrank away. How could this be happening? "I now say these words before Tallstar. If he thinks anything of such a selfish cat, he will come and say so himself. I send you into exile. If I catch you back here again, any Sunclan warrior has my permission to shred you." Gasps went up around the clan. Twitchypaw looked at Nightpaw and Emberpaw. They looked shocked, but they said nothing. "Aren't you going to say anything for me?" she hissed. Nightpaw and Emberpaw shook their heads. "The leader's word is the warrior code. We cannot say anything against it." they moewed sullenly. Possumtail began to speak again, "I should never have let a lazy, selfish kittypet into Sunclan. But, I promise you, I will never let another kittypet into this clan. Yowls of scorn for Twitchypaw, rose up from the gathering of cats. "Birdsong, lead a patrol to escort Twitchypaw to the border and remind her that one whisker over the border and we'll shred her!" "Possumtail, I cannot do that." came Birdsong's clear, clam voice. "You will do as I say so!" meowed Possumtail, fiercely. "No, I won't." Possumtail turned on Birdsong angrily. "I want to see you in my den!" she hissed before stalking away.  Twitchypaw cautiosuly crept away from the gathering of cats and followed. What would happen to Birdsong? Twitchypaw followed a fox-length behind them. She stopped and peered around a bush to see Birdsong's tail tip disappear into a den. Twitchypaw cautiosuly crept forward adn peered into the dim den. She quickly moved behind a bush and strained ehr ears to here what was happening. "Birdsong! You will do as I say!" came Possumtail's angry voice. "No! You cannot exile Twitchypaw!" "I have!" Then fearsome yowls and screeches tore through the air. They were battling! Twitchypaw dove into the den. Possutail was shredding Birdsong's fur with hr claws. Birdsong's was trapped under her. "No!" screeched Twitchypaw. She unsheathed her claws and dove at Possumtails neck. Possumtail loosened her grip on Birdsong as she tried off Twitchypaw. Birdsong struggled free and whipped out of the den. Possumtail gave a fearsome caterwaul and ran after her...

The battle in Sunclan!

                                          Chapter  12

Twitchypaw pushed herself forward, after them. The Sunclan cats were staring in astonishment. Twitchypaw raced at Possumtail and joined in the whirl of teeth and claws. Nightpaw and Emberpaw stared at her in astonishment and then they leaped at her. "Don't you know the warrior code! You don't turn on your own leader!" hissed Emberpaw. "But she exiled me!" " Then that means you're exiled!" snarled Nightpaw. Twitchypaw flet horror fililing her body. She would have to fight her friends... Twitchypaw turned and raced away. She did it quick side flip and then landed squarely on Possumtail. She scored her claw down Possumtail's side. Honeyfeather let out a pierecing yowl. "Stop acting like foolish apprentices!!" Birdsong and Possumtail glared at each other. Honeyfeather stalked over, bristling, "How could you?!" "Stay out of it!" hissed Possumtail. She flashed out a claw and caught Honeyfeather on the shoulder. Honeyfeather stared at Possumtail too astonished to speak. Twitchypaw couldn't believe it. A clan leader, turning against her deputy and medicine cat...because of her. It was all her fault... Twitchypaw felt awful. Then Dawnheart's voice spoke in her head. "This was meant to happen Twitchypaw. We have planned this. It is for the good of both clans..." Both clans?? What could Dawnheart possibly mean?! Twitchypaw pushed the thought to the back of her mind and leaped at Possumtail again. She dug her claws in and ripped out some fur. Now the clearing broke out into screeches and yowls as cat turned against cat. Twitchypaw found herself grappling with Thistleheart. She could use her smaller size as an advantage. Twitchypaw ducked under Thistleheart and pushed up. Then she darted out and he fell down with a thump. She gave him a quick nip on the leg before turning to meet her next opponent, Darkpaw. Darkpaw bowled into her and pushed her flat over. Twitchypaw struggled underneath him and managed to flip him off. Twitchypaw had only just recovered herself, when Darkpaw leaped at her, with claws flashing. Twitchypaw screeched in pain, as Darkpaw ripped out a hunk of her fluffy fur. His claws tore into her flesh, and blood spilled onto the ground. Twitchypaw pushed up with all her might and he fell off. Twitchypaw then leaped on him and pummeled him with vicious swipes. Twitchypaw's wounds hurt. How much longer could this go on?? Twitchypaw heaved herself to her feet and staggered toward another cat, who immediately bowled her over. Twitchypaw aimed a piercing blow at is shoulder and he left screeching and yowling. A big heavy weight landed on Twitchypaw's back, and she fought to get the cat off. Claws flashed, teeth sunk into flesh, yowls split the air, deafening screeches of pain, and ear-splitting battle cries of rage. Blood spilled onto the ground, and fur was ripped out. Twitchypaw felt sick. But she would have to get use to this, because this the the way of a warrior's life! Twitchypaw bit down hard on a cat's paw. She flashed a claw at one cat and bowled another over. Two ragged lines formed. Some cat's took Birdsong's side..., but most cat's took Possumtail's side. "Retreat!" yowled Birdsong. All the cat's on Birdsong's side followed Birdsong out of the Sunclan camp. Twitchypaw silently pleaded with Nightpaw and Emberpaw but they turned away and followed their leader. Twitchypaw's heart sank as she pushed her way out of the camp. Why did she ever leave her mother and two brothers....? No! She tole herself fierecely. Go back to being a kittypet?! Never!! She was born to become a warrior, so that was what she was going to be!! Sunclan cats yowled and caterwauled in anger, as Birdsong's group of cats left...

                             The End 

Out now: The divided clan. Twitchypaw must help Birdsong to build up a strong clan of loyal cats, but building a clan is hard, and Twitchypaw alwasy has to have one ear open for Sunclan. Twitchypaw can sense another battle around the corner... The cats of their new clan, Dappleclan are weak. How will they win a battle...? But worst of all...what happens if Sunclan wins this battle? Where will they go then...? Twitchpaw's hope is fading fast. Dreamclan seems helpless. Twitchypaw is alone in a world of hardships and darkness... Twitchypaw must make a choice, but if she makes the wrong one, the clan will be lost forever and they will all perish...

                     THE DIVIDED CLAN

                                            Chapter 1

Twitchypaw's tail drooped as she followed Birdsong through Sunclan territory. The yowls of the Sunclan cats had faded away behind them... Twitchypaw coudl only faintly hear them. Tigerstripes voice jerked her back to reality. "Where shall we go Birdsong?" "I don't know..." answered Birdsong. "But I can tell you one thing-We won't be beaten! Sunclan will be sorry!" Birdsong gave a flick of her tail. Twitchypaw glanced around her at the cats following Birdsong. She was now the only apprentice... Suddenly, a faint meow sounded from behind them, "Wait! Wait!" Twitchypaw spun around to see a silvery grey she-cat with kits, struggling through the forest, behind them, trying to catch up. "Who is it?!" snarled Birdsong. "Silverpetal." Birdsong's tensed muscles relaxed.  "I...I want my kits to grow up in a clan....with you as leader... Can me and my kits join you?" "Yes, of course." came Birdsong's voice. It sounded calm. but Twitchypaw could tell Birdsong had just put the voice on. But, what use would a leader be, if she couldn't keep her clan calm? Two high pitched squeaks came from the two small, shivering kits. "Here, let me take one." offered Twitchypaw. She bent down her head and took one of the little scraps of fur in her mouth. The kit struggled for a bit, then fell limp. The mother, Silverpetal carried the other kit. " Twitchypaw, I don't believe you left my kit on purpose." With a pang, Twitchypaw realized that Icepaw was Silverpetal's kit. So the kit that Twitchypaw was carrying was Silverpetal's second litter-and Icepaw's sister. Twitchypaw stumbled on after Birdsong and the others. Soon the Sunclan border scents were far behind them. Birdsong came to a halt in a big clearing. A large boulder jutted upwards at the edge of the clearing. There was a  hole beneath it that looked as if it could make a nice, cozy den. A few bramble bushes grew around the clearing, but not enough to make a bramble barrier. They would have to go searching for more. Twitchypaw pricked her ears and sniffed. She could detect a faint hint of fox, but it was stale now, from a few days ago, she could guess. The shrill cry of an owl sounded overhead, and Twitchypaw jumped. Twitchypaw could tell that everyone else looked jumpy too. This was unknown territory that no Sunclan cat had ever dared to go. "Look." came Birdsong's voice. Twitchypaw peered into the clearing. A mist was roling through the forest, making the whole place gloomy and scary. Twitchypaw supressed a shudder as a tiny insect landed on her. "Do you think we can make camp there, Birdsong?" asked Twitchypaw. "Maybe." murmured Birdsong. Honeyfeather pushed her way past a fern bush and stood in the center of the clearing. "This will do for a medicine den, I suppose." said Honeyfeather.  She flicked her tail at a bent over tree, with a bramble bush growing at it's roots. "We could hollow it out." Twitchypaw shivered. How could they make a camp in such a gloomy place?  The night sky was darkening and the first stars were beginning to appear. Birdsong pushed her way into the clearing to stand beside Honeyfeather. "Come on." she urged the cats. one by one the small group of cats filed into the clearing. They weren't quite sure what to make of it at first. I seemed to be an ideal camp. But was very scary and gloomy, and there weren't any signs of prey. "It might look better in the morning." meowed Silverpetal, wearily. The other cats nodded their agreement. Twichypaw headed to one corner of the clearing, where a thick fern bush was growing. The leaves brushed through her fur as she ducked under them. There were two more fern bushes behind this fern bush and a tree near it with thorns and brambles growing up it. Twitchypaw trampled around in the small space in between the ferns, brambles and tree. Ferns covered the small space. Twitchypaw pushed ferns back, and tried to make the small space a bit bigger. Next, she dug into the earth, scratching furiously, making a small hollow that could be filled with moss, so a cat could sleep in it. Twitchypaw backed out. "Done." she said proudly. Silverpetal came over with a big wad of moss in her jaws. "Put it in here." instructed Twitchypaw. Silverpetal busily arranged the moss in the sleeping hollow. Twitchypaw went in to take a look. It was just perfect! Apart from the fact that it was in unknown gloomy territory, and not the Sunclan camp. Oh well, she would just have to get use to it...

Name of place: Dappleclan territory. (The clearing where Twitchypaw and the others make camp.)
What it's like: Dark and mysterious in the centre of Dappleclan territory, lots of cover, the sun dapples the ground in some parts of the territory making it look quite pretty, also very prey rich.

                                                    Chapter 2

"Twitchypaw, can you please go and collect some bedding moss." came Birdsong's voice. "Do I have to?" "Yes, you're an apprentice and that's what apprentice's do." came Birdsong's voice. It sounded a little irritable now.  Twitchypaw lowered her eyes and said, "Yes, Birdsong." before bounded away to find some moss. She soon found a big flat, grey rock that was covered in moss. She unsheathed her claws, and scrape it off in big paw-fulls. Soon she had a big wad of moss to carry back to---well, the camp... Because soon that would be their camp.  Twitchypaw dragged her aching paws back to the camp. Birdsong was waiting for her. "Thanks Twitchpaw. Now I need you to go hunting. Bring back as much fresh-kill as you can." instructed Birdsong. "Stormsky, will you go with her?" Stormsky gave a nod and followed Twitchypaw. "Stormsky, where should we hunt?" Stormsky was peering behind them and didn't seem to hear what Twitchypaw had said. "Stormsky-" "Shhh." hissed Stormsky. "What?" Twitchypaw peered behind her. What she saw made her start to tremble. Her eyes grew round and frightened. "W,w,what is that?" asked Twitchypaw in a terrified voice. "Badger!" hissed Stormsky. Stormsky watched the badger as it clumsily trampled through the undergrowth. His eyes were transfixed on the spot where the badger had disappeared. Twitchypaw breathed a sigh of relief. They were safe, the badger had gone. She glanced around. They might as well get onto hunting. Twitchypaw thought she saw movement in the bushes. She dropped into the hunters crouch and placed one paw after the other, silently. Two eyes peered at her out of the shadows and Twitchypaw blinked. The eyes were... well they were up quite high... and the prey seemed to be looming over her. Then something heavy swiped at her. She felt herself flying across the forest floor. She landed against a tree with a sickening thud. Twitchypaw screeched in pain. Blood dripped down her side from a big gash on her shoulder. Another one of those terrifying creatures-a badger, was looming over her. More big bulky shadows seemed to be trampling across the forest floor. Badger after badger. The whole forest was full of them! Stormsky was darting in to attack the badger, and dodging it's powerful blows. But how long could he keep it up for? Soon they would both be crow-food, if not even that. Twitchypaw shrank back against the tree. The badger's paw missed her by a whisker. Twitchypaw opened her mouth and caterwauled her loudest. The badger flinched away. Stormsky joined in ad soon it sounded as if the whole forest was full of cats yowling and caterwauling. Twitchypaw stopped, but the caterwauling carried on. No wonder the caterwauling had sounded so loud! Help was on the way!! Then the badger loomed over Twitchypaw again and swiped it's massive paw at her. It smashed into the side of her head and sent her flying through the undergrowth... and the whole world went black...

Twitchypaw blinked open her eyes to the beautiful forest in Dreamclan. "Dawnheart!" she called, but no answering meow came to her. "Dawnheart?" Twitchypaw padded into the forest. But wait a minute. She was near the clearing where Birdsong and the other's were making camp. Yet just a minute ago she was in Dreamclan. Twitchypaw padded forward. She was...transparent. She couldn't even see her paws and she seemed to be walking on air. But then, she was dreaming, and anything could happen in dreams. Twitchypaw edged closer, and saw that all the cats were gathered around the limp body of a cat. No! It was...her... But did that mean she was dead?? Birdsong was mourning. Twitchypaw couldn't bear to look anymore. She raced away, through the forest. She didn't stop, she just went on and on and on. As far away from that horrible sight....  She ran through forests, clearings, paddocks, crossed thunderpaths and leaped over the roofs of twoleg things. On and on, until she seemed to be at an endless stretch of vast water. She plunged off a cliff, and pounded along across the vast stretch of water. Her paws floated along just above the surging waves. On and on she went, until tired at at last, she fell into a deep sleep...

But soon she woke again, in the same desolate stretch of water where she had fallen asleep... But there was another cat there beside her, murmuring something. Then the words were clear to Twitchypaw, not just a faint murmur. "Twitchypaw-" It was Dawnheart! Twitchypaw's heart leapt, until she remebered what she had the clearing where Birdsong and the others had made camp. "Dawnehart. " The words seeemed to get stuck in Twitchypaw's throat. "I'm dead aren't I..." Twitchypaw miserably fell down, floating just above the waves. "Of course you're not dead!" came Dawnheart's voice, "Well...not yet..." "But I'm going to aren't I?" "I don't know Twitchypaw... Taat badger has well..." "What?! What did the badger do to me?" asked Twitchypaw. Then in a more pleading tone, "Please? Just tell me..." "Twitchypaw, the badger smashed your skull..." Twitchypaw sadly pushed herself to her feet.  "Twitchypaw, when you're dead, you will no longer be dreaming... You'll just be dead...never to see the light of day again..." Dawnheart's words came out as barely a whisper. Twitchypaw felt sadness and despair flooding all her senses.  She was about to die... "Dawnheart? Can you see into the future?" "Twitchypaw, the path of your life leads into dark shadows, where no Dreamclan cat can see..." Twitchypaw looked up, to say something, but then she realized that Dawnheart was gone.... Twitchypaw felt tears fall down her cheeks. Her life was over... She would never become a warrior...not ever.... Then a flame-coloued tom padded over to Twitchypaw. A sandy coloured she-cat was at his side. They tail were entwined and their fur was brushing. "Have strength Twitchypaw, this may not be the end..." The flame-coloured tom's eyes were filled with sympathy. Then they turned and left, leaving a  trail of starry paw-prints in their wake. No! Was everyone just going to leave her to die...?? Twitchypaw sprang upand pelted after them. "Wait!" she yowled. Panting, and breathless, she caught up to them at last. She was about to pelt over into the enew land; a land of stars, when Dawnhear tsuddenly appeared She stood in front of Twitchypaw and barred her way. "This is not your land! Go back!" hissed Dwawnheart. Cats were gathered around the flame-coloured tom and the sandy-coloured she-cat. There was a blueish grey she-cat and a black she-cat with a matted pelt. There was a grey she-cat with a twisted leg, a tom with a broken jaw, and many others.... "Go back!" hissed Dawnheart. "But, what is this place??" asked Twitchypaw. "Starclan." answered Dawnheart. She guided Twitchypaw away with her tail laid on Twitchypaw's shoulder. All Twitchypaw could do, was silently follow...

                                           The vast stretch of water in Twitchypaw's dream.

                                           Chapter 3

Twitchypaw stopped. "Why couldn't I follow the flame-coloured tom and the sandy--coloured she-cat into Starclan?" "Because that is not your land!" "Who were those cats?" pressed Twitchypaw. "From other clans..." "What other clans?" "Clans that live around a lake..." "How many?" "Four live around the lake, and a mysterious fifth clan lives in a gorge." "What was the flame-coloured tom's name?" "It doesn't matter... He was once leader of a clan around the lake." "Once?" "These cats are different... They live by some different laws and they don't have Dreamclan..." "They don't??" "No..." "But please... why won't you tell me his name?" "His name is-" Dawnheart's voice trailed away as she began to fade. "Wait!" But the whole world was fading... I'm dying... No! How can this happen to me? The vast stretch of water was fading away, and Twitchypaw found herself falling. Goodbye world... Twitchypaw sighed and fell into and unconscious sleep...

Twitchypwaw found herself on solid ground. She was no longer dreaming! She was.. alive!! But Twitchypaw could not move atall. Not even to blink open her eyes. She heard voices around her. Birdsong's, Stormsky's, Honeyfeather's... She felt a shrieking pain all throughout her head and felt as if every bone in her body was broken. Then above all the murmuring she heard one voice speak up: "She's in a coma. She can hear us, but she can't move or talk. Chances of survival are...well there just aren't really any chances of survival..." It was Honeyfeather. So Twitchypaw wasn't dead...but she was in a coma. She was probably still going to die, if not by starvation, because she couldn't eat...! Then she felt a paw forcing her jaws open. A small aw pushed a tiny scrap of mouse down. Twitchypaw swallowed it whole. Next, she felt water trickling into her mouth, most likely off wet moss... Her parched throat satisfied, Twitchypaw fell into another deep unconscious sleep...

Twitchypaw woke out of sleep, still unable to move. Her head ached, but the rest of her pain was starting to numb... Birdsong's voice was sad, as if Twitchypaw had already died. But then Twitchypaw was going to die, so there was no harm in starting to mourn now. Twitchypaw felt death waiting just around the corner. It filled her stomach with dread every time she thought about it. And worst of all: Not being able to move, to do anything, drove Twitchypaw crazy. Twitchypaw let herself fall back into deep sleep again... She opened her eyes to a beautiful place. A lake stretched out in front of her, the water splashing up at her paws. Twitchypaw stiffened, as she spotted something in the bushes, then she relaxed as Dawnheart padded out. Another cat was following her-a grey she-cat, with ocean-blue eyes, and a thick bushy tail. "This-" Dawnheart flicked her tail at the grey she-cat, "-is Ripplestream." Twitchypaw dipped her head, awkwardly. Ripplestream's eyes were kind, and she looked as if she had only just been made a warrior. "I'm Twitchypaw." meowed Twitchypaw. Dawnheart began to speak again: "She lives in the clan, the flame-coloured tom led a long time ago. She will be able to answer your questions, and I'm sure you will enjoy each others company." and with that, Dawnheart whisked away and was gone. " what's your clan called?" asked Twitchypaw nervously. "Can I trust you?" blurted out Ripplestream. "Of course you can trust me... I'm not going to tell anyone because I'll..." "What?" "Never get the chance to..." "Why?" "Because  a badger attacked me and smashed it's paw at my head and it smashed my skull...I'm in a coma at the moment. Everyone has given up on me and says that I'm probably going to die..." "I'm sorry.." Ripplestream brushed against Twitchypaw, and shared sympathy with her. "Do you want to know about my clan?" asked Ripplestream, changing the subject. "Yes!" "Well... it's called Thunderclan. My leader is Dawnstar-" "What was the flame-coloured tom's name?" asked Twitchypaw, interrupting, "Sorry...I just really want to know..." "His name...was Firestar!" meowed Ripplestream, talking as if he was too amazing to even talk about, "He was the greatest leader, all the clan's around the lake, have ever known!" "Wow! Did you know I met him??" "Did you?!!" "Yes, in a dream...twice now." "You are so lucky! I would love to meet him!" "Ripplestream, do you want to be friends?" "Of course I do!!" Ripplestream purred. Then Twitchypaw looked around and saw everything fading away... "I hope I see you again!""Me too!" came  a faint reply.

Name: Ripplestream                                
Favourite food: Squirrel
Favourite things to do: Battle training, and tree climbing                                   

                                       Chapter 4 

Twitchypaw awoke to find herself lying down yet again, not being able to move.This is boring thought Twitchypaw.  She couldn't do ANYTHING! Not even twitch her whiskers! It wasn't fair, wen all she had been doing was hunting for the clan! Twitchypaw fell asleep again...

Twitchypaw awoke again. The pain was not as intense as before, and Twitchypaw found that she could open her eyes!! Yay! She twitched her whiskers. "Twitchypaw!! You're alive!" came Birdsong's happy voice! "I, I am!" meowed Twitchypaw. She hadn't died because she was still alive! She leaped up and seemed to float across the camp. Wait a minute! "Noooooo!" wailed Twitchypaw. Her wailing carried it self up to the dark night sky. Twitchypaw should have known it, she should have known it was all just a dream! Then everything started to fade into darkness... "This is the end..." "Death awaits..." Voices whispered around Twitchypaw. "I won't let you die!" came one voice louder than the others. It was... Firestar! So, he hadn't given up on her! Soon Twitchypaw could make out Firestar's flame-coloured pelt. He was racing over. He came to a halt and looked down at Twitchypaw, emotion brimming in his eyes. "I'm sorry.  I've failed you..." His voice was barely a whisper. "Goodbye Firestar..." "No!" yowled Firestar. "I... I can't let you die!" "Firestar? It's, It's okay...I'll die knowing the greatest leader ever, tried to save me..." "No... You must save the clans!  You can't die!" "Firestar..." murmured Twitchypaw. Firestar's tail drooped, and his pelt seemed to dull. Then everything started spinning, the world went blue and then black. Then everything cleared and Twitchypaw was at a forest border. She wandered over and into the lush forest, full of green growth.  Prey scuttled around. Twitchypaw wandered ever closer, following a scent trail. It led to a big bramble barrier. Twitchypaw smelt the same smell she had smelt on Firestar. This must be the camp where Firestar once lived!! Twitchypaw looked around, until she, at last, found a small gap in the bramble barrier. Cats were gathered in a group. A blueish grey she-cat was sitting on a high rock with her tail curled neatly around her paws. A cat with a long tail was sneering something at a small flame-coloured tom. Wait! Could this be, was it really...Firestar? Then Firestar leaped at the cat with the long tail. They battled ferociously. Firestar sliced off a part of his opponent's ear. Then the cat with the long tail-the cats called him Longtail- started biting into a collar that was around Firestar's neck. Was Firestar... a kittypet to start with?? Firestar started to choke. No! Twitchypaw raced in. But no one seemed to notice her. Then, the collar ripped and Firestar and Longtail stopped battling. Then the she-cat with the bluish grey fur, on the high rock began to talk... Everything began to blur around Twitchypaw, and she felt herself swaying around and around...  She awoke again in the same horrible place on the ground... unable to move...

As the days passed, Twitchypaw began to recover from her coma. Soon she was taking short walks around the newly built camp. The clan had also been named Dappleclan,  while Twitchypaw was in a coma. Twitchypaw's pain had also left her, in which she was very thankful for!

Twitchypaw was now fully recovered! She relished the cool air and lovely forest scents, and being able to move and stretch her legs as she raced along the forest ground! "Twitchypaw! Wait up!" called Birdsong, the wind whipping away her words. Twitchypaw slowed down and came to a halt near a great big fallen tree resting on it's side on the ground. Moss covered it's trunk and bark was peeling off it. They called it the 'great fallen tree.' Twitchypaw suddenly recoiled as the stench of badger reached her nose. She galloped back to Birdsong, afraid. But then anger overcome her. If this was the badger that had hurt her, then she was going to show it, she was going to make it sorry it ever messed with her!   "What's the matter Twitchypaw-" then Birdsong stiffened as she smelt the badger, then she relaxed. "From a few days ago now, I'd say." "Now, we're nearly there." Twitchypaw brightened up! They were going to do some battle training!

Soon they reached the grassy clearing. Two warriors were battle training at one side of the clearing. Twitchypaw recognized them as Leafblaze and Silverpetal. Birdsong gave a nod of approval as she saw their swift battle moves.

                                                        Some cats doing battle training.

                                              Chapter 5

"Let's battle train over here!" called Birdsong from a side of the grassy clearing. Twitchypaw padded over to where Birdsong was standing. 'Alright, today, I am going to sow you a few moves." "So we're not just going to battle?" "Maybe we can after..." meowed Birdsong, thoughtfully. After a moment she said, " I'll teach you the spin and swipe move. Watch me." Twitchypaw settled herself down comfortably in the grass and wrapped her tail around her paws, watching intently. Birdsong spun on her paws whirled forward, but still keeping evenly balanced, and then swiped a paw through the air so fast, that it was just a blur. If there had been a cat there, they would have been thrown totally off balance, thought Twitchypaw. "Now you try." instructed Birdsong. "So how do I do the first part-the part where you whirled around on your paws?" asked Twitchypaw. "How about you have a go, and then I'll show you what you're doing wrong." "Okay!" meowed Twitchypaw excitedly. She tried to spin around, but then ended up tripping over her own legs and landing in a tangle of fur and paws. She tried again, and again, but she just could not get it right! "Try keeping your back legs evenly balanced and out of the way of your front paws." observed Birdsong. "But I'm trying to do that, and it just doesn't seem to work!" meowed Twitchypaw, frustrated. "Watch me again." said Birdsong, sighing. Birdsong padded up. She spun on her front paws, whirled forward, and swiped. "Have another go." said Birdsong. Twitchy tried to whirl around again, and this time managed the whirl, but fell over when she whirled forward. Birdsong suddenly said "Now I know, what you're doing wrong!" What?!" asked Twitchypaw grumpily. Couldn't Birdsong have already told her. She had been trying and trying and this move just wasn't' working-she'd never be a warrior, at this rate! "You keep bringing your front paws too close to your back paws. So when you lean forward, your front paws, are are tangled up with your back paws! Try keeping your front paws stretched out in front of you." This time, Twitchypaw made sure she kept her front paws out in front of her, as she whirled she leaned forward, gaining balance, before swiping a paw through the air, then she stumbled to a halt, and fell over, clumsily. "Much better." purred Birdsong, "Although, if you fall over like that in the middle of a battle, you will instantly be pinned down." Twitchypaw nodded. "Try again." instructed Birdsong. Twitchypaw tried again. And again. And again. Every time she did it, she got better and better, but still not good enough. She always seemed to get atleast one move wrong!! "I have to go and join a border patrol now-and make sure Sunclan isn't lurking inside our borders ready to attack! You can stay here, and practice that move, until you think you know it well enough-then," Birdsong paused for a moment before carrying on, "Then you can go back to camp, and Tigerstripe will organize you to go on a patrol." She gave Twitchypaw a hard stare, making sure she understood and listened to what Birdsong had just said. Twitchypaw quickly dipped her head, to show Birdsong she had heard. Tigerstipe was Birdsong's deputy. Birdsong padded away.  Leafblaze and Silverpetal go up, shaking dust from tehir pelts. They followed Birdsong. The bushes shook as she brushed past them. Twitchypaw began to concentrate on the battle move again. She spun on her paws, whirled forward, and swiped a front paw through the air. She got it right! She tried again-but this time was not so lucky...

Twitchypaw gave a friendly nod to Oakkit, as she entered camp. Oakkit had joined Dappleclan while she was in a coma. Oakkit had been found alone in the forest, so one of the patrols had taken him back to camp, where Silverpetal kindly took her in as her own. Twitchypaw had just been doing some battle training, and now had come back, so she could join a patrol. A border patrol-mostlikely-as she couldn't hunt that well, or atleast not very well in the forest. Twitchypaw slowly approached the deputy, Tigerstripe, who was sorting out a hunting patrol."Can I go on a border patrol?' asked Twitchypaw. "Fine." Said Tigerstripe curtly. She turned her attention back to Cloversky and Treeleaf. "You two can go on a border patrol, and take Twitchypaw too." "What about the hunting patrol?" interrupted Treeleaf. "Never mind about that. Go." "But-" "Go!" Tigerstripe gave him a cold glare. Treeleaf immediately backed away, and followed Twitchypaw and Cloversky out of the camp. "So, where are we patroling?" asked Twitchypaw. "She didn't tell us, so I guess that means we get to choose." meowed Cloversky. "How about... the border with Sunclan?" asked Twitchypaw. She fluffed out her fur, and unsheathed her claws, imagining sinking them into a Sunclan warrior. "No." said Cloversky, decisively. Birdsong is already patroling there." "By herself?" asked Twitchypaw. "No, Silverpetal and Leafblaze went with her." "Who's looking after Silverpetal's kits?" asked Twitchypaw. "I was. Tigerstripe will have to watch them now." Cloversky purred in amusement, "Those four kits really are a handful!" "How?" asked Twitchypaw. "Come ON!" said Treeleaf, annoyed. "We'd better go, I'll tell you another time." Twitchypaw nodded. "Let's have a race!" declared Treeleaf. "Well, where are we going to patrol?" "The Sunclan border!" "But we can't." said Cloversky, bewildered. "Cause we can! Birdsong's patrol will be heading back to camp by now." "What about the other borders?" persisted Cloversky. "Oh, who cares about the other borders. Its the Sunclan border we need to watch. Leave the other borders to Tigerstripe and Birdsong and the other warriors." Said Tigerstripe. "Anyway, aren't I leading this patrol? Doesn't that mean you go where I say?" "What? I thought I was leading!" "Nope, it's my turn, cause you led the patrol last time." "Fine. I'll go where you say, and let you lead the patrol, but remember-If we get in trouble, it's not my fault." decided Cloversky. "Ok." shrugged Treeleaf. "Race you there!" Treeleaf turned tail and bounded away. Cloversky hesitated and then folowed, which left Twitchypaw alone. Twitchypaw did NOT want to go. Supposed she met Emberpaw, or Nightpaw? No, Twitchypaw was not going to go there! She would go hunting- the clan was hungry. Well... she would try to go hunting anyway and hopefully she would catch something in this dense forest! Her senses alert, she weaved through the brambles, and dense undergrowth. Suddenly the ferns ahead shook. Birdsong emerged, with Silverpetal following. Twitchypaw's heart sank. "Just where do you think you're going?" asked Birdsong, "I thought I told you to join a patrol." "uh yes... They ran ahead. I'll go find them." "You do that.' said Birdsong sternly. Twitchypaw gave a quick nod and bounded away. Twitchypaw decided to go and join her patrol.

Name: Birdsong
Favourite food: Unknown
Favourite thing to do: Leading her clan, and fighting


                                     Chapter 6

Twitchypaw dragged her paws in the direction of the Sunclan border. She really did not want to go there. Meeting her former friends now enimies would be... horrible... Twitchypaw slowly neared the Sunclan border. She picked up the scents of Treeleaf and Cloversky. She pricked her ears, and quickly pushed herself into a run. Yowls of definance and hisses of anger met her ears. Twitchypaw rounded a tree and burst into a clearing. Cloversky and Treeleaf were definiatly trying to fight four big Sunclan cats. They were covered in blood and Cloversky's ear was torn. Twitchypaw leapt into the fighting, unsheathing her claws and raking them across one cats ear- Thistleheart! She recognized another as Emberpaw's mentor, but the others were not familiar to her. Thistleheart angryly turned on her and pinned her to the ground. Twitchypaw struggled to throw him off, but he wasn't just going to let go. "Should I finish this weekling off?" he sneered. "If you want." shrugged one of the unfamiliar cats. Twitchypaw's eyes widened and she struggled harder. She screeched at him, then twisted her head around and sunk her teeth into his paw. He shook her off, raking her pelt with his claws. Twitchypaw's eyes widened in pain. She hissed through clenched teeth, "Get off me flea-pelt!" Thistleheart seemed to consider this for a moment and then he said, "Not unless you show us where your camp is!" "Don't show him. Don't do it!" screeched Treeleaf. "They'll attack us if they know where the camp is!" pleaded Cloversky. "Fine!" hissed Twitchypaw. Thistleheart stood up and released her. "Show me. And remember, if you don't take me to the camp, then I will kill you. One way or another." he hissed. Twitchypaw led him between the trees. "Twitchypaw! NO!" pleaded Cloversky, then she screeched again. She had to save her clanmates! Twitchypaw weaved quickly through the undergrowth. If she yowled cats at the camp would be able to hear her from here. So she yowled as definintaly as she could, and turned on Thistleheart, her claws slicing into his muzzle. He reacted quickly aiming at her throat. Twitchypaw yowled again, and dodged his blow. He turned on her quickly, his claws catching in her fluffy fur, and pulling a clump of it out. Twitchypaw screeched at him as he knocked her off her paws. His hot breath rank on her muzzle. He leaned in closer, and hissed at her, "You can't fool me this time!" Suddenly Birdsong and Tigerstripe burst out of the trees. Tigerstripe leapt at Thistleclaw and wrestled him to the ground. "The others! Sunclan is attacking the rest of my patrol!" panted Twitchypaw. "Where?!" demanded Birdsong. "At the sunclan border!" panted Twitchypaw. Birdsong broke into a run, dashing through the trees. Twitchypaw hurried after Birdsong. Tigerstripe was taking care of Thistleclaw, so no help was needed here. Twitchypaw gained speed, and reached the Sunclan border, quickly. Treeleaf and Cloversky were fighting off two big warriors, while Birdsong took on another warrior. Suddenly a warrior- Emberpaws mentor, pinned cloversky down. Twitchypaw leapt at him snarling. She sunnk her teeth into his leg, holding on tightly. Screeching in agony, he tried to shake her off. But Twitchypaw sunk her teeth in harder. Then the other warrior fighting Treeleaf leapt at Twitchypaw and sliced his claws at Twitchypaw. Twitchypaw loosened her grip on the other warrior, and turned on the one who had just clawed her. Birdsong gave a yowl of fury, and chased one Sunclan cat away- three to go. Quickly, Twitchypaw Leapt at another warrior. Cloversky was instantly at her side, and together they chased it back with well-aimed blows. The other two, wideyed barreled after their campmate. Twitchypaw gave a definant hiss as they left. "Now let's go get the last one!" announced Birdsong, heading back the way they had come. Suddenly and earsplitting shriek filled the forest. Then there was a dull silence. Twitchypaw looked worriedly at Birdsong. What was that? They soon found out. Birdsong pushed her way through a fern bush to see her deputy Tigerstripe lying on the ground, with Thistleheart standing over her. "Noo." said Birdsong softly, almost to herself. "Why oh why did it have to be her...?" Twitchypaw could barely hear her. Thistlheart snarled at them. "Today, I declare the new clan in the forest! Deathclan! They take what is theirs, and kill without mercy! And this is our territory, so get!" Twitchypaw worked her claws in the ground. So he just thought he could walk on in, kill the deputy, and take Dappleclan's territory for himself. Well guess what, you little mange pelt?! You're going to die if you even try! Thought Twitchypaw to herself. Fury racked her entire body. Birdsong stalked forward. "Get out mange pelt." she said threatendly or I'll shred you with my own claws. "Oh, sure, I'd like to see you try." With a single lash of his tail, cats emerged from the bushes, scarred rouges, and loners, and... Darkpaw. "Your camp has already been destroyed- oh we saw to that." he said nastily. "Now go, before you and your remaining campmates die as well!"

Name: Cloversky
Favourite food: Squirrel
Favourite things to do: Lead patrols, look after her clan

                                             Chapter 7

Birdsong's eyes widened. Twitchypaw trembled beside her. Then a voice spoke in her head. It was… Dawnheart… "Twitchypaw! You must save your clanmates!" "I know..." said Twitchypaw speaking her thoughts out loud. "What was that?" sneered Thistleheart. Danwhearts voice spoke again. "Hurry Twitchypaw, or it may be too late!" "Birdsong! We HAVE to go back NOW!" yelled Twitchypaw. "You're right, come on!" said Birdsong.  Twitchypaw turned and dashed through the bushes in the direction of camp. She heard the others racing after her. Twitchypaw was first to the camp. The sight that met her eyes was horrifying. She looked away and backed out of camp, shivering in horror, unable to get the sight out of her head. The camp was broken to pieces, dens were smashed, medicine supplies ruined, the camp wall destroyed, blood all over the ground… and…. her clanmates either dead or badly wounded. "Honeyfeather?" asked Birdsong quietly. "I'm here." answered a quite voice. Honeyfeather padded out of the bushes, trembling, with a big wound on one side, and a scratch across her muzzle. "How did they do this?" whispered Birdsong wide-eyed. "They just attacked and surprized us. There were so many of them..." said Honeyfeather. Birdsong shook out her pelt before walking around camp, surveying the damage, and seeing if her clanmates were alright.

"Petalkit, Flowerkit, and Shadedfur are dead. And... Tigerstripe is dead too." reported Birdsong solemnly, after surveying the camp, "And Stormsky and Silverpetal are very badly wounded. Although the rest of us are pretty wounded too."

                                 My warrior cat books news:

If you would like to be in books, or have ideas for my books, then please tell me in the comments space. And if you would like to know who's in who's clan, then look at my warrior cats allegiences blog! I would also love to hear your warrior cat ideas!!!

Warrior cat name suggestions: 
Thunderclaw, Rosefern, Jaguarspots, Lightningstrike, Tigerdapple, Graymoon, snowylake, Panthershadow, Snowylake, and Skybreeze.

Sorry, but that's all there is at the moment... I really need more suggestions!!  Please tell me all your suggestions in the comments space. There's an 85% percent chance of them being in my book!


  1. This yes, is a really good story!
    From Meg

    1. I just can't wait until you write some more!

    2. Don't worry- I'll write some more soon!

    3. Have you seen the warrior cat BONUS stories page?

  2. Oh and I am going to pick up some books that you can get - you have to return them to the library though so maybe I can look to see if they have some of those books (warrior cat books) :)

  3. Which book do I come in?

  4. Hi Abbi, I'm not sure yet. You're mentioned in this book, in Dappleclan. But you become deputy in the fifth or fourth book... and then leader of Thistleclan.

  5. Ripplestream's parents are actually Flameripple and Brookwater! littermate-Waterkit! older sibling-Streamkit!

    1. don't have any littermates now! and streamkit died

  6. Hi Ripplestream. The photo is of you. Do you like it?
    And are you on at the moment, so we can comment back and forth??
    Love Twitchytail

  7. Your warrior-cat parents have cool names! Am looking forward to reading your story!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I am just about to write more- If you were in Thunder/Wind/Shadow/RiverClan, which would you be in?
    And would you still have been a kittypet before? if you were, then don't choose ShadowClan!!!

  9. So... I'll DEFINETLY be in Thunderclamn- or actually, I'll be a loner known as..Fire. I can join thunderclan and become Fireleaf (Firepaw) Is that ok with you?
    ~By Twitchytail~

    1. Why did u go as Anonymous?

  10. Who did you want to be? Fire.......
    Who do you want to be your mentor out of Fawntail, Brokentooth or Morninglight?

  11. I think Fawntail would be a good mentor! What is her personality? Grumpy or Kind? What was her life like?

  12. No, what's your FULL warrior name??!!
    Fawntail is kind although she was quite shy at the start, her father was a warrior-turned-rouge and then his mother left to be with him, nobody liked her after that

  13. I mean enjoy! :l

  14. Here's my new picture-guess who the cats are, Renee!!!!

  15. To Hannah
    HI! sorry i wasn't on the same time as u. R the cats:
    Firestar, (The orange at the front)
    Leopardstar (The Leopard pelt at teh back)
    Blackfoot-Blackstar (The white to the left)
    And Tallstar (The only one left)
    I have that picture on my story which i am going to tell u the title............
    'Dawnstar's Leadership'! (Dun dun duuuuuuun)
    I have also started 'Ripplestream's Destiny'
    i found this SUPER COOL picture of lots of warriors on the Warrior site that i'm going to put on the back of all my books!
    Missing u loads!
    Love Renee

  16. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. How about Snowylake?! Or Rubypaws?

  18. And for your clan name, you could do Hazelnut clan! In one of your books,could I please be a leader of a clan? I have just thought about it, and Bunnyfur seems like a great name!
    Lots of love,M\Meg
    P.S Maybe we could call each other H and M and R?!

  19. Dear Renee,
    Hi! I really want to read the worrier books but I keep on forgetting to!:)
    Love Meg

  20. Hi Meg
    When you are an apprentice you are something 'paw. When you are a kit, you are something 'kit. If you are a warrior you are you first name, with another word the leader chooses-such as Twitchypaw becomes Twitchytail. And also if you want to- you could become hazelclan. It could be... A clan that sunclan chased out a looooooong time ago. Remember when Snowflake told Twitchy there use to be more clans??? well there was. There were three clans. Sunclan and (Hazelclan) and another horrible clan (Name unkown) Hazelclan and Sunclan drove out the evil clan-but then a moon later, Sunclan accused Hazelclan of prey-stealing which happened more frequently. Though Hazelclan was not to blame-it was a cat from the horrible clan, that had managed to stay behind. Soon there was a battle and Hazelclan was eventually driven out after a gruesome battle. Sunclan then remained strong. Then they started to loose their warrior battle skills-as there was nothing to battle-not even a fox to chase out of their territory. So Dreamclan sent Twitchy-who would save all the clans that were ever to be made...

  21. To Meg
    Would you like to be leader of Hazelclan????
    I can meet you and Hazelclan when I'm a loner

  22. To R and M
    Does anyone have any warrior cat name suggestions? For Hazelclan?? or Moonclan or Leafclan or Stormclan, or Flameclan, or... just name suggestions?!!!

  23. Hi M
    If you want to read the warrior cat books- they're under H. You will probably want to get the first one- "Into The Wild" There are about four different warrior cat series, so at least four different number ones. Each series is about the same clan--Thunderclan and theres all the same cats. Have fun reading them! Have you read my whole blog???
    If you have then did you like the third book so far? Have a very nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Hi R
    I put a picture of you as Ripplestream on my blog. Do you like it? It is a grey cat like you mentioned and she has a very thick tail and is on a rock in a forest. And also what does Ripplestream love to do and what is Ripplestream's favourite food fresh-kill?

  25. To H
    Where is the picture of me!!!!!!!!!
    I like all fresh-kill but i hate sparrows.
    I am a really good fighter and tree-climber.
    I like tree-climbing and fight-training.
    How was your day? :)

  26. Hi R
    I had a good day!
    I mean-like whats your FAVOURITE fresh-kill-as in mine was fresh rabbit. And when you say fight-training do you mean battle-training? The picture of you is.... In book three. You'll just have to scroll down a little and then there it will be.

  27. To R
    The picture of you is in book three: the divided clan and your photo of you is just before chapter four!

  28. Hello everyone!!!! Check out my new blog pages!!!

  29. Oh- annoying... Have you been on the warrior cats erin hunter site? Its quite cool with a warrior cat game, and a little intro to warriors and all.

  30. I've never heard of it! How do u get to it?

  31. For name suggestions, how about snowylake or lava or firebreath?

  32. When I said lava,I meant lavabreath or firebreath. Which one do you think? Lava or fire?

  33. Maybe not something breath- and cats don't know what lava is either. Maybe not something Fire, as someones cat is going to be Fireriver. I like snowlake though! I'll put it in the name suggestions sometime.

  34. So to get on the warriors website it is: www.warriorcats (I think) Should come up anyway. Just type it up on google. Good luck!

  35. Check out the latest blog pages! And see what clan you are in erin hunters clans! (By doing my warrior cat clan quiz!)

  36. HI H!
    What about Springwave? or Springfoot? Or Springlight? Spring something anyway!!!!!!

    1. Wait what?!
      R, you have a blogger account!!!
      How did you do it?

  37. What do you mean? Like for name suggestions?
    Perhaps Springleaves/tail/shine, anyway, how about it?
    Or it could be Springwhisker?

    1. I think springtail.

    2. Yes Springtail sounds good! But I really like Springwhisker too!

  38. Replies
    1. I am Moon-paw.
      I am black with white paws and nose.
      I am in wind-clan, and I am smart and strong.
      who's ripple stream?

    2. Windclan is not in my books- do you want to be in Moonclan?

    3. Ok but I made a mistake I was in Riverclan not windclan

  39. which Meg does she go to my meeting?
    and who's ripple-stream?

    1. Ripplestream is RENEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Yes, Meg goes to your meeting. She is called: Bunnyfur! She is in Hazelclan but she might be going to be in Moonclan!!!

    3. Cool name Renee!

  40. Hi every one
    I am Shiloh.

    1. What is Moonpaw's personality?

    2. Not very strong, Intelligent and stealthy.
      Loves fish.
      She loves kits

    3. Cool thanks! So fish is your favourite food. How did you learn to fish? Moonclan cannot fish. Do you learn from a loner? Would you be able to teach some Moonclan cats how to fish? Were you a kittypet to start with? What was your name before Moonpaw. Or were you born in the clan?

    4. well I was a loner before I became a clan member.
      Moon-kit was my first name.
      I teach those who WANT to fish
      and I am a medicine cat
      Ps. I will get my warrior name when I read the first book

    5. Wouldn't your first name be Moon? It would only be Moonkit if you were born in the clan. Cool! When you come to the clan you train to become a medicine cat. Who will your mentor be then? Vibrantflower, or Berrypelt? Berrypelt is very firm, and can get grumpy, though she's still kind. Vibrantflower is very sweet natured and caring.

    6. I have not read it yet.

  41. Do you like my new picture? It is of Missy, who stars in my books as Mistleleaf!!!

  42. Who's been on the warrior cat link that is on my blog?!

  43. Berrypelt is a less cranky version of Yellowfang!

  44. Replies
    1. MMMMMMEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. HI Hannah!
    I've got typing instructor working!!! It's awesome!!!

    1. Cool. Does that mean you can type up your warrior cat book faster?!

  46. to Shiloh
    Your name is cool too!
    How are U?

    1. Thanxs!
      I'm good, you?

  47. I'm great!!!
    have u read warriors?!

    1. Not yet, but I have put a hold on the first one.

  48. Hi Hannah!!!
    i am attempting to 'type' this right now, typing instructor is great!!!!!!!
    how are you???!!!

    1. Cool! How is your typing going with your warrior cat books? I am up to chapter 4 I think and it sounds great!

  49. Hi guys! Can I PLEASE have some name suggestions? Thanks!

    1. Dreamstar? Nightstar?
      Starlight? sunshine?
      Moonbeam? whitestar?

    2. Maybe not stars. Nightstar is also already in the actual warrior cat books. But the others are cool! Except we can't do ones starting with star.

    3. Okay :P

  50. To H
    Because I've got my own google account, i can comment under Renee instead of anonymous!!!!!!!!!!!!
    AND i don't have to do that 'I Am Not A Robot' thing either!!!!!!

    1. Cool! Now Tarah and Shiloh and Asha use the anonymous! Quite a handy thing, isn't it. Whenever I need suggestions or stuff for my warrior cat books someone can comment them to me!

  51. You should check out my blog pages! One of them explains a bit about warriors and another has my warrior cat clans!

  52. I'm off for school!!!!
    (Yawning face)

    1. Oh true! Have you done more chapters on your book now, Renee? Are you going to write about Skyclan. In my books, it only slightly mentions the clans. By the way should I meet you agin in a dream?

  53. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I haven't done much, but u r coming up soon!!!!

    1. You mean Twitchytail? Or my other character. Is it okay if my other character is Fireshine? Or have you already written about me as the other name?

    2. Okay, was that yes to you meeting me again, or you having done more chapters in your book?

  54. Yes to u meeting me agian!!!!!
    Fireshine is great, i haven't mentioned u yet so that will work fine.
    Shiloh's name should be Moonbeam!!!!!!!!
    Who's her mentor?

  55. Has Asha (I mean icewhisker)commented yet?

    1. Nope, I just put something on for her. (for Icewhisker)

    2. where?

  56. I just went through the comments from aaaagggggeeeeeesssssss ago, i don't actually have a blogger account, this is just my school account!

    1. Oh, cool!!! Did you know I have over 300 comments on my blog!!!! (Quite a bit over 300)

  57. Sorry, i won't give u too many name suggestions in case i give one that's similar or the same to my own!!!!!

  58. Shiloh, does anyone from up there go to Tauatuku? If so, will u?

    1. Who knows? But I'm going to tautuk, Ripplestream!

    2. I know!!!!!!!!!!!
      That's why i didn't ask u!!!!!!! ;)

    3. I do not know.
      I don't even know the place!!!

    4. Really? It's the CYC camp, i've only been once, it's in the catlines i think,

  59. HURRY UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Sleepy heads!

    1. Yeah, yeah, I'm on now. Anyway I was on the ipad, colouring in on this game. Anyway, they had some cool cat pictures to colour in on it!

  60. Love the cat-opening-doors video!!!!!!
    Cats are very intelligent!
    Some are very graceful and some...not so much.

    1. I bet a warrior cat could easily do that because they are so good at jumping!

  61. I am doing the ponies today, and i'm making cheese rolls AND i have the may gathering!!!!!
    I am singing at least 3 songs tonight!!!!!!!


  63. WHERE ARE YOU!!!??????!!!!!??????!!!!!!

    1. Right her at 42 Kirkbride street, although I was at music lessons. :)

    2. Yeah, where are YOU??????!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been commenting and commenting and you STILL haven't answered!!!!!!


  64. (Spelt the 1st 'hello' wrong):(

  65. Wait, never mind i deleted them

  66. Just in case u hadn't noticed, i'm bored!

    1. You can't be! You've got my whole blog to read!

  67. U haven't written down that my fav food is squirrel and i love fighting in the midst of a battle and am really good at it!!!!

    1. I probably didn't write because you didn't tell me. All you said was that you like all fresh kill but hate sparrows.

    2. Like not love!!!!!!

    3. I have put it on now! I wrote you like tree climbing too, is that ok?

  68. can u make it that my fur is blue?
    what do u look like? and r u happy with me choosing your family?

    1. I am a loner that was abandoned as a kit. And I can't change the fur colouring in the photo.

    2. no the writing!!!!!!

  69. do u want to be in ShadowClan or ThunderClan or what?!

  70. By the way, who's seen my other pages?


  71. i've seen
    Cat tricks
    My Lego Creations!
    Warrior cats quiz- What clan are you in?
    Violin and Piano

    1. I thought you had seen The Last Dogs too?

    2. AND the last dogs!!!!

  72. Rosetail, what is your cat's personaility?

  73. Alright… BLOG NEWS! I am hoping to make it flood in my warrior cat books AND I am also hoping to make some BONUS warrior cat stories! So watch out for some new things on my blog!! Please: What kind of bonus stories do you want? I can do one about any character in my whole entire book series, just pick a cat and I'll make it come alive! So… your choice!

    1. But it needs to already be in my books, please. So please don't just make a cat up.

    2. Ripplesteam!!!!!!!!!!


  74. Do i know who Rosetail is?

  75. Like my picture!!!!!!

  76. I don't see your comments until i've loaded the page again or posted something so i might be a bit behind

  77. By the way, does Ripplestream like tree climbing?

  78. Like your picture!!!!

    1. Thanks! I like yours too! Mine is warrior in the snow!

  79. Yep, loves it!

    1. You mean Ripplestream loves tree climbing?

  80. My picture could be Bramblestar!

  81. I'm going to now change my picture!

  82. Hurry up!!!!!!

  83. That is a cool picture!

    1. My next warrior cat bonus story might be about this cat!

  84. Is your picture Bramblestar?

  85. I don't get any of your new comments until i reload the page!

    1. I know, you just told me! LOL Annoying huh. Wish blogger didn't do that!

  86. But for me… They all just pop up!

  87. I have to go now, Good night! 7:00pm sharp tomorrow? if u r going to bible class 5:00pm?

  88. Who should this cat be? I mean from my books,

  89. How do u know you've got a comment without looking?

  90. Anyways, who should this cat be? And how are your warrior cat books going?

  91. Have you seen my other blog pages?

  92. does it come up with a message saying
    "Someone has posted a comment on your blog"!

    1. Nope! I go on design and all the latest comments come up and it tells me which page their on. It did email me and tell me when someone commented, but it got annoying so I turned it off.

  93. I won't be home at 4!!!! 5?

  94. c u at 5!
    I mean comment to u at 5!

    1. I'll try and remember! And THEN you can FINALLY give me a suggestion for my warrior cat bonus stories!

  95. Check out the voting thing. Willow, what? PLEASE help me choose the last word for her name! Thanks everyone!

  96. <- By the way my profile picture is of Willow, something.

  97. Willowfrost

    1. Or


  98. sorry that's all i got!

  99. Didn't see that u already had most of them already!!!!!

  100. (Didn't mean to put 2 alreadys in that sentence!)

  101. Should i change my picture?


    I AM NOT A ROBOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  103. I thought you said 5?! It's 5 now!

  104. Hi sorry i was going through all the old comments!

  105. I have to say i'm not a robot EVERY time now!!!!!!!!
